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London jury selected for Kevin Spacey sexual assault trial involving decade-old allegations

Kevin Spacey pleads not guilty to sexual assault charges in court.

Jurors were sworn in on Wednesday in a London court for the trial of double-Oscar winner Kevin Spacey, who is facing charges of sexual assault against four men dating back as far as two decades ago. The outcome of the trial could have significant implications for Spacey's future, potentially leading to imprisonment or a career revival.

Spacey, dressed in a dark blue suit, light blue shirt, and pink tie, confidently entered the court and confirmed his identity as Kevin Spacey Fowler. The 63-year-old actor has pleaded not guilty to twelve charges, including sexual assault, indecent assault, and causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent.

Justice Mark Wall acknowledged Spacey's fame and film career, stating, "I am sure the defendant will be gratified to know that many of you will know his name or have seen his films." Spacey nodded and smiled at the potential jurors, who were lined up between the dock and a group of journalists.

The first 14 jurors, including two alternates, were seated without objection from the prosecution or defense. The remaining 13 were excused from the selection process.

The jurors, consisting of nine men and five women, were dressed in a mix of business and casual attire. Two women wore dresses, two men wore suits and ties, one man wore a black denim jacket, and another had a weathered Superman T-shirt.

Spacey stood with his hands clasped behind his back as the jurors were sworn in to hear evidence in the case, which is expected to last four weeks at Southwark Crown Court. Opening statements are scheduled for Friday.

Spacey, who is currently out on bail and has residences in London and the United States, arrived at court in a taxi accompanied by his manager, Evan Lowenstein, two hours before the trial was set to begin. He greeted photographers and video journalists with a smile and wave.

In a rare interview published in Germany's Zeit magazine earlier this month, Spacey expressed hope that an acquittal in the case would revive his career, which has been largely stagnant since sexual misconduct allegations against him emerged. He stated, "There are people right now who are ready to hire me the moment I am cleared of these charges in London," and criticized the media for portraying him as a "monster."

The charges against Spacey involve men in their 30s or 40s and span from 2001 to 2013, covering the majority of the time he lived in Britain and served as the artistic director of the Old Vic Theatre until 2015.

Spacey's downfall coincided with the rise of the #MeToo movement in the United States. The allegations against him resulted in his removal from the Netflix series House of Cards, where he portrayed the lead character Frank Underwood, a ruthless and corrupt congressman who eventually becomes president. He was also replaced by Christopher Plummer in the film All the Money in the World, with scenes being reshot.

In the 1990s, Spacey achieved great acclaim as an actor, starring in films such as Glengarry Glen Ross and LA Confidential. He won his second Oscar for best actor in the 1999 movie American Beauty.

Recently, Spacey made a return to the big screen after several years, appearing in Italian director Franco Nero's The Man Who Drew God, set to be released in 2022. He also portrayed the late Croatian President Franjo Tudjman in the biopic Once Upon a Time in Croatia. Additionally, he stars in the yet-to-be-released U.S. film Peter Five Eight.

In January, Spacey received a lifetime achievement award from Italy's National Cinema Museum in Turin. He also taught a masterclass and introduced a sold-out screening of American Beauty, marking his first speaking engagement in five years. Spacey commended the organizers for their support of artistic achievement and their courage to invite him, using the Italian word "le palle" to describe their bravery.

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