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Renowned Little Miss Sunshine actor Alan Arkin, an Oscar winner, passes away at 89 years old

Alan Arkin, the actor known for his roles in "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Argo," has died at the age of 89, according to his sons. Arkin won an Oscar for his performance in "Little Miss Sunshine" and was known for his improvisation skills and wry wit. He began his career in the 1950s and appeared in numerous films, plays, and television shows throughout his career. He is survived by his wife, three sons, four grandchildren, and a great-grandchild.

Alan Arkin, the acclaimed actor known for his roles in "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Argo," has passed away at the age of 89, according to his sons. Adam, Matthew, and Anthony Arkin, who all followed in their father's footsteps, released a statement describing him as "a uniquely talented force of nature, both as an artist and a man." They added that he was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather who will be deeply missed. Arkin's career was marked by his wit and improvisation skills, which he showcased in his performances. He received critical acclaim for his role in "Little Miss Sunshine," for which he won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 2007. The film also starred Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell, and Abigail Breslin. Arkin was born on March 26, 1934, in Brooklyn to Russian-German Jewish immigrant parents. He developed a passion for acting at a young age and started taking classes. His family later moved to Los Angeles, where Arkin received scholarships to various drama colleges. However, he dropped out to pursue a career in music and formed a folk music band called The Tarriers in 1955. The group gained success with their hit song "The Banana Boat Song." Despite his musical endeavors, Arkin continued to pursue acting and joined Chicago's renowned Second City improvisational troupe. He made his big-screen debut in 1957's "Calypso Heat Wave" with The Tarriers. Arkin's talent eventually led him to Broadway, where he made his debut in "From the Second City." This marked the beginning of his successful career in both theater and film. Arkin achieved a remarkable feat when he received a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his first feature film role in the 1966 comedy "The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming." He continued to deliver notable performances in films such as "Wait Until Dark" (1967) and "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" (1968), earning him a second Oscar nomination. One of Arkin's most memorable roles came in 1970's "Catch 22," the film adaptation of Joseph Heller's acclaimed war novel. Throughout the 1970s to the 1990s, he appeared regularly on stage, television, and the big screen, showcasing his versatility as an actor in films like "Edward Scissorhands," "Grosse Pointe Blank," and "Jakob the Liar." Arkin's commitment to his craft was evident in his approach to his characters. For his role in "Little Miss Sunshine," he took it upon himself to create his character's backstory, envisioning Grandpa Hoover as a washed-up former saxophonist with a fondness for strip clubs and drugs. Arkin described his love for playing disreputable characters who spout philosophy, saying, "He's completely out there, wide open, and nuts." In addition to his success on the big screen, Arkin also received critical acclaim for his role in the 2013 Best Picture winner "Argo." He portrayed a curmudgeonly Hollywood producer who provided comic relief in the tense Iran hostage thriller. This performance earned him another Oscar nomination. Arkin attributed his early days as an improvisation performer to teaching him valuable lessons, including the acceptance of failure. He believed that life itself is an improvisation and that some of the greatest discoveries come from mistakes. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, he stated, "One of the things I learned from improvising is that all of life is an improvisation, whether you like it or not." Arkin is survived by his wife Suzanne, his three sons, and his grandchildren and great-grandchild. His legacy as a talented and versatile actor will undoubtedly be remembered and cherished by both the entertainment industry and his fans.

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