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Son of Robert De Niro's daughter Drena mourned in heartfelt message

Drena De Niro thanks loved ones for support after son's death.

Drena De Niro, the daughter of the legendary actor Robert De Niro, has expressed her gratitude to her loved ones and the public for their support following the tragic death of her son, Leandro Anthony De Niro-Rodriguez, at the age of 19. The news was announced by Robert De Niro on July 3, and Drena De Niro took to Instagram the following day to share her appreciation for the outpouring of love and condolences she has received.

In a heartfelt caption accompanying a picture of her late son, Drena De Niro acknowledged the overwhelming support she has received during this difficult time. She mentioned the countless messages, calls, texts, and emails, as well as the friends and family who have been there for her. Although she hasn't been able to respond to everyone yet, she expressed her gratitude for their love and condolences.

Drena De Niro also opened up about her grief, describing the pain she is experiencing as something she never thought possible while still being able to breathe and function. She shared a touching memory of the day her son was born and the day she had to say goodbye to him at the funeral home. She expressed her undying love for him and how he made everything bearable and every burden lighter.

She ended her message by acknowledging the unfairness of his untimely death and her belief that he is now a strong angel in God's army. She vowed to hold him in her heart and memories until they are reunited again.

Robert De Niro confirmed the tragic news in a statement to NBC News, expressing his deep distress over the loss of his beloved grandson, Leo. He thanked everyone for their condolences and requested privacy for their family to grieve.

Drena De Niro also released her own statement, expressing her shock and sadness at saying goodbye to her beloved son. She thanked everyone for their love and support and asked for privacy to process her inconsolable grief.

Drena De Niro first shared her loss on Instagram on July 2, posting a photo of her son and expressing her love for him. She described him as her joy, her heart, and everything that was pure and real in her life. She expressed her desire to be with him and her struggle to live without him. She promised to carry on and spread the love and light that he brought into her life. She apologized to him and wished him eternal peace and paradise.

Drena De Niro is the oldest child of Robert De Niro and his first wife, Diahnne Abbott. She was adopted by him in 1976.

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