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Portland Trail Blazers Reject Dallas Mavericks' Offer Sheet for Matisse Thybulle

Trail Blazers match Mavericks' offer for Matisse Thybulle, keeping him in Portland.

In a surprising turn of events, it has been confirmed that Matisse Thybulle, the restricted free agent wing, will be staying with the Portland Trail Blazers. The Dallas Mavericks had extended an offer sheet to Thybulle, but the Blazers quickly matched it, ensuring that he remains a part of their team. The offer from Dallas was a lucrative three-year contract worth $33 million, with a player option of $11.5 million in the third year.

It was no secret that Thybulle had every intention of signing the offer sheet from Dallas. However, due to his restricted free agent status, the Blazers had the right to match any offer made to him. And match it they did, as they were determined not to let Thybulle slip away.

Even before the offer sheet was extended, it was clear that the Blazers had no plans of parting ways with Thybulle. Both the Blazers and the Boston Celtics, who had recently traded Grant Williams to Dallas, had been signaling to other teams that they would match any offer made for their restricted free agents. This information was revealed by NBA insider Marc Stein, shedding light on the teams' intentions.

Thybulle's stint with the Blazers began last season when he was traded by the Philadelphia 76ers in a multi-team deal. In the 22 games he played for Portland, he showcased his skills, averaging 7.4 points, 3.5 rebounds, 1.4 assists, and 1.7 steals in 27.7 minutes on the court. His defensive prowess, particularly on the perimeter, is highly regarded, making him a valuable asset for any team.

Dallas had expressed interest in Thybulle primarily for his exceptional perimeter defense. However, despite their efforts, they were unable to secure his services. Nevertheless, the Mavericks still have the opportunity to utilize their Mid-Level Exception to sign other free agents, depending on how they manage their existing contractual agreements.

The Mavericks, having recently traded Reggie Bullock to the San Antonio Spurs, have identified a need to address their perimeter positions. The acquisition of Williams was a step in the right direction, but they still have work to do in order to strengthen their lineup.

In conclusion, Matisse Thybulle's future seemed uncertain when the Dallas Mavericks made an offer sheet for him. However, the Portland Trail Blazers swiftly matched the offer, ensuring that Thybulle remains with the team. His defensive skills and contributions to the Blazers' lineup make him a valuable asset, and the Blazers were determined not to let him go. Meanwhile, the Mavericks will continue their search for perimeter players to fill the gaps in their roster.

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