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Djokovic emerges victorious against Wawrinka in nail-biting match

Stan Wawrinka loses to Novak Djokovic in Wimbledon third-round clash.

In their highly anticipated Wimbledon third-round clash, Stan Wawrinka admitted that he had no hope of defeating Novak Djokovic, and his prediction turned out to be accurate as he was completely outplayed on Centre Court.

Djokovic, a seven-time Wimbledon champion, wasted no time as he swiftly won the first two sets. Although Wawrinka put up more resistance in the following sets, Djokovic managed to secure a 6-3, 6-1, 7-6(5) victory just before the 11pm curfew.

This win marked Djokovic's 31st consecutive match victory at Wimbledon, propelling him into the last 16 of a Grand Slam for the 61st time. In the next round, he will face Poland's 17th seed, Hubert Hurkacz.

Reflecting on the match, Djokovic acknowledged that Wawrinka was just two points away from extending the match to another day. He recognized the intensity of the competition and expressed his hope that the spectators enjoyed the thrilling encounter.

Wawrinka, a three-time Grand Slam champion, found himself playing the role of a spectator early on as Djokovic's precise and powerful groundstrokes dominated the match. Despite a promising start with the first four games being evenly split, Wawrinka was soon overwhelmed by Djokovic's relentless accuracy.

With the Centre Court roof closed and the lights illuminating the arena, Djokovic swiftly claimed the second set in just 30 minutes. However, Wawrinka refused to go down without a fight and, with the support of the crowd, he began to challenge Djokovic in the third set, creating a few opportunities to break through his opponent's defense.

As the clock approached the cut-off point, the same one that had disrupted Andy Murray's match the previous evening, Djokovic appeared less invincible. A backhand volley error from Djokovic allowed Wawrinka to take the lead in the tiebreak, raising the possibility of the match extending into the following day.

However, with impeccable timing, Djokovic mounted a comeback and secured himself a day off.

Wawrinka, despite the defeat, expressed satisfaction with his performance, particularly in the closing stages of the match. He acknowledged that he had put up a fight and appreciated the support from the crowd.

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