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Open Discussion: Identifying the Most Overrated Raven

2023 Baltimore Ravens season hyped, but some players overrated/over-hyped.

The Baltimore Ravens are generating a tremendous amount of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming 2023 season. With the addition of several exciting players on offense and solid coaching hires in key positions, the team has set its sights on nothing less than a Super Bowl victory.

However, amidst all the hype, it is important to approach the season with a level-headed perspective. While many players have rightfully earned the buzz surrounding them, some individuals may be receiving an excessive amount of excitement and expectations.

One player who has garnered a significant amount of attention is sophomore safety Kyle Hamilton. Undoubtedly, Hamilton made a substantial impact on the defense last season, with his exceptional play in the slot. Defensive Coordinator Mike Macdonald even credited Hamilton as one of the catalysts for the defense's turnaround. However, there is a concern regarding the constant emphasis on Hamilton being the top-graded safety by PFF last season.

It is important to recognize that Hamilton's role as a safety was not traditional. Grading safeties as a collective group is peculiar, especially when one safety primarily operates as a deep-ranging free safety responsible for covering everything 20+ yards beyond the line of scrimmage, while the other safety is engaged in battles with slot receivers and tight ends, providing immediate run support. These are fundamentally different responsibilities. Therefore, labeling Hamilton as the top-graded safety may create a skewed perception, implying that he is a flawless safety, when in reality, he is a hybrid defender who spent the majority of his snaps near the line of scrimmage.

Hamilton's performance should not be diminished, as he excels in his role. However, the designation of "No. 1 safety" may lead to inflated expectations and potentially unfair judgment.

Another player who has faced scrutiny is quarterback Lamar Jackson. While it may not be accurate to label him as overrated, it is undeniable that his performance on the field has not consistently matched the level of excellence he achieved during his MVP season. Despite dealing with injuries, Jackson needs to demonstrate greater consistency this season, especially after signing the largest contract in NFL history. With an upgraded receiving corps, he is poised for a significant bounce back, but he must prove himself on a more regular basis.

In terms of overrated players, it is essential to approach this topic with caution. One player who could fit this description, albeit as a backup quarterback, is Tyler Huntley. While Huntley has performed admirably in Jackson's absence, it is doubtful that he possesses the capabilities of a starting quarterback, despite what some fans and media members may assert. Nevertheless, he remains among the upper echelon of backup quarterbacks in the NFL, and the Ravens have been fortunate to have him as a reliable option when Jackson has been sidelined.

Lastly, it is crucial to distinguish between overrated and over-hyped. Safety Kyle Hamilton falls into the latter category. While there is no doubt that he has the potential to break out in his second season, the constant stream of articles hyping him up as a potential elite player can be overwhelming. It places immense pressure on a 22-year-old entering his first season as a full-time starter, particularly considering his transition from a hybrid role to a full-time strong safety position. It is important to allow him time to acclimate and develop before anointing him as the next Troy Polamalu or Derwin James without considering the injury concerns.

In conclusion, the Baltimore Ravens' 2023 season has generated considerable excitement, but it is crucial to approach the hype with a balanced perspective. While certain players deserve recognition for their contributions, it is important not to overstate their abilities or set unrealistic expectations. The team's success will ultimately be determined by their performance on the field, and it is essential to give players the time and space to grow and develop without burdening them with unfair judgments.

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