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Jonah Hill's Former Partner Alleges Emotional Abuse in Instagram Stories

Jonah Hill's ex-girlfriend accuses him of being "emotionally abusive."

In a series of Instagram stories, Sarah Brady, Jonah Hill's ex-girlfriend, accused him of being "emotionally abusive" and shared alleged screenshots of their text message exchanges during their relationship. The messages revealed Hill's discomfort with Brady's modeling career, stating that it was not a profession he would choose for a partner. He also expressed his disapproval of people who prioritize their online presence over their relationship.

Brady reposted a TikTok video by Estefanía Pessoa, discussing another text exchange she shared on Instagram. In this exchange, Hill laid out his boundaries for their relationship, including limitations on surfing with men, inappropriate friendships with men, modeling, posting revealing or sexual pictures, and having friendships with women in unstable places.

Brady also shared a screenshot of a Financial Times review of Hill's film "Stutz" and wrote "Boycott Stutz" over it, calling it "sus & unethical." She emphasized that someone being emotionally abusive doesn't make them a terrible person but also stated that it is not acceptable behavior.

Brady expressed her wish for Hill to be surrounded by feminist men who can hold him accountable and help him grow. She believes that fame can create an echo chamber of viewpoints that enable emotionally abusive behavior.

Following their split, Hill began dating vintage shop owner Olivia Millar, and the couple welcomed a daughter in May. Neither Brady nor Hill's representatives responded to requests for comment from Insider.

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