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Joaquin Phoenix showcases undeniable American essence in the 'Napoleon' Trailer

Ridley Scott's Napoleon biopic features Joaquin Phoenix with his regular accent.

In Ridley Scott's upcoming biopic, Napoleon, there are two standout aspects that I find particularly intriguing. First, the choice of Radiohead's "The National Anthem" as the soundtrack for the trailer is deeply unexpected. It provides a stark contrast to the typical music one would associate with a period piece set in the 18th or 19th century. Second, the accents used by the cast, especially Joaquin Phoenix as Monsieur Bonaparte, are equally incongruous.

Unlike the rest of the cast, Phoenix does not attempt a French or English accent. Instead, he maintains his own natural speaking voice, which is a departure from the norm. In the trailer, Phoenix's portrayal of Napoleon is accompanied by his usual Californian accent, devoid of any attempt to imitate the accents associated with the character. This choice adds a unique and unexpected element to the film.

Although Phoenix's character doesn't speak much in the trailer, his brief moments of dialogue reveal his distinctive voice. At the 35-second mark, he mumbles quietly, making it difficult to discern his words. However, he appears to promise "a billion successes" while facing an opposing army. Despite his lack of enunciation, Phoenix's delivery captures the essence of Napoleon's character.

In another scene, a Frenchwoman played by Vanessa Kirby confronts Napoleon about his attire, questioning the costume he is wearing. In response, Phoenix's Napoleon calmly states, "This is my uniform." The exchange showcases Phoenix's ability to convey the character's personality with subtlety and restraint.

Towards the end of the trailer, Phoenix's voiceover becomes clearer as he speaks in an American accent. Standing on a wintry battlefield, he declares, "I'm the first to admit when I make a mistake." The scene is accompanied by intense visuals of warfare, emphasizing the gravity of Napoleon's words. Phoenix's delivery is reminiscent of his previous roles, such as Beau in Beau Is Afraid or Arthur Fleck in Joker, displaying his signature brooding and introspective style.

Although it is challenging to decipher Phoenix's dialogue in the trailer due to the overpowering sound effects and music, it is possible that he incorporates a more British inflection for the majority of the film. However, his natural voice remains prevalent throughout, providing a sense of authenticity and consistency to his portrayal of Napoleon. In a film where both French and English characters speak with British accents, Phoenix's decision to maintain his own voice is a refreshing departure from the expected.

Napoleon is set to release in theaters this Thanksgiving before becoming exclusively available on Apple TV+. With its unconventional musical choice, unexpected accents, and Joaquin Phoenix's distinct portrayal of Napoleon, the film promises to offer a unique and captivating perspective on the iconic historical figure.

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