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Jonah Hill responds to accusations of 'emotional abuse' with sale of 'complete unrelenting control' merchandise

Jonah Hill's ex-girlfriend, Sarah Brady, accused him of emotional abuse, while Hill sells merchandise promoting "complete unrelenting control" on his website.

Jonah Hill's former girlfriend, Sarah Brady, recently shared a TikTok therapist's message about the "misuse of the concept" of boundaries, following her allegations of emotional abuse by the actor during their relationship. Brady, a professional surfer and model, took to Instagram to express her grievances against the "Wolf of Wall Street" star, claiming that Hill was controlling and would manipulate and gaslight her throughout their time together from August 2021 to 2022.

Interestingly, Hill has been promoting his brand of control on his website, "Meaningful Existence," which offers merchandise centered around the theme of "complete unrelenting control." The brand was soft-launched in April, with former "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Lisa Rinna accompanying Hill at a Lakers game.

Initially, the brand only sold a $40 T-shirt online, seemingly as a joke. However, it quickly expanded its product line to include sweatshirts, hats, socks, and tote bags, solidifying its place in the world of witty wellness marketing.

According to the website, "Meaningful Existence" is a mission-driven lifestyle company and wellness community that aims to provide high-quality products while supporting mental health and therapy resources. The company's goal is to combat the stigma surrounding mental well-being.

Additionally, the venture appears to offer a scholarship program to address the shortage of mental health professionals nationwide. Students pursuing careers in the field can apply for a chance to receive $5,000 toward their tuition, fees, and other financial obligations.

Brady, 26, took to social media to share alleged text messages from Hill, where he outlined his boundaries for a romantic partnership. In one post, she wrote about her year of healing and growth, seeking to live her life without guilt, shame, and self-judgment. She expressed that there is still healing to be done from the abuse she experienced.

One of the text messages allegedly showed Hill telling Brady his boundaries, which included restrictions on her interactions with men, modeling, posting certain photos of herself, and having friendships with women from her past. Brady commended therapist Jeff Guenther for analyzing the text messages and highlighting the problematic nature of Hill's use of therapy language to exert control over her.

Guenther explained that Hill's use of the term "boundaries" was a misuse of the concept. He clarified that boundaries are healthy limits individuals set for themselves to protect their well-being and integrity. They are guidelines for how others should behave towards them and how they will respond when those limits are crossed. However, Hill's messages to Brady were not about setting boundaries to protect his emotional well-being but rather dictating her behavior and friendships. This reflects an attempt at control rather than healthy boundary setting.

Guenther emphasized that Hill's texts demonstrated a lack of respect for Brady's autonomy and individuality. Instead of expressing his feelings or needs in a healthy manner, Hill sought to restrict Brady's behavior to suit his comfort levels and insecurities.

Guenther also mentioned Hill's documentary, "Stutz," which explores the actor's relationship with his therapist, Phil Stutz. He criticized Hill for weaponizing what he learned in therapy to manipulate his girlfriend, calling it a shame.

In conclusion, Jonah Hill's ex-girlfriend, Sarah Brady, has accused him of emotional abuse and manipulation. Hill has been promoting his brand, "Meaningful Existence," which offers merchandise centered around control. Brady shared alleged text messages from Hill that demonstrated his misuse of the concept of boundaries. Therapist Jeff Guenther analyzed the messages and highlighted the problematic nature of Hill's behavior.

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