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Tom Holland Hails his Sober Journey as "The Best Decision of my Life"

British actor Tom Holland revealed in a podcast interview that he quit drinking in January after a "very, very boozy" holiday season. Holland, best known for his role as Spider-Man, said that he initially decided to give up alcohol for January, but extended it to February after experiencing intense cravings. As he continued his alcohol pause, Holland began to feel the pressure of England's drinking culture. However, he said he turned a corner and became the "happiest" he has ever been in June. Holland's decision also inspired his mother to go sober.

Tom Holland, the British actor known for his role in Spider-Man: Far From Home, recently opened up about his decision to quit drinking. Speaking on the On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast, Holland described his journey to sobriety as "the best thing I've ever done." It all started with a particularly indulgent holiday season last year, where he found himself drinking excessively. He didn't make a sudden decision to quit drinking but rather felt compelled to give it up after a month of heavy drinking during Christmas vacation. Holland admitted that he has always been able to handle alcohol well, but the excessive drinking during the holidays made him realize that he might have a problem.

Dry January was a challenge for Holland as he constantly craved a drink. He woke up thinking about it and couldn't stop checking the clock, eagerly waiting for it to hit 12 p.m. These intense cravings alarmed him, and he decided to extend his alcohol hiatus to two months, hoping to prove to himself that he didn't have a problem. However, as the two months went by, he found it increasingly difficult to navigate England's drinking culture. He felt isolated and struggled with social situations where alcohol was involved. At this point, he started worrying that he might indeed have an alcohol problem.

It wasn't until he approached his birthday last month that Holland felt a significant shift. He challenged himself to go six months without alcohol, hoping to prove once and for all that he didn't have a problem. By June 1, he declared himself the happiest he had ever been in his life. He listed the benefits of sobriety, including improved sleep, better problem-solving skills, mental clarity, and overall better health and fitness. Looking back, he wondered why he had been so fixated on drinking and why he hadn't quit sooner.

Holland's decision to quit drinking also had a positive impact on his mother, who was inspired to go sober herself after witnessing her son's transformation. Holland expressed his amazement at the difference he felt from not drinking and emphasized that it had been the best decision he had ever made.

Throughout his journey, Holland has had the support of his girlfriend, Zendaya, who has also chosen a sober lifestyle. He spoke about the value of being in a romantic relationship with someone who understands his journey and can share their experiences. Holland considers himself lucky to have Zendaya by his side.

In a recent BuzzFeed interview, Holland joked about not having much charisma, but he no longer feels the need for it now that he's happy in his relationship with Zendaya. He playfully mentioned that falling in love with him would be the secret to his supposed charisma and joked about how making a movie together could blur the lines of their on-screen and off-screen romance.

In conclusion, Tom Holland's decision to quit drinking has had a profound impact on his life. He realized the extent of his drinking during a boozy holiday season and decided to take a break from alcohol. What was initially meant to be a month-long hiatus turned into a six-month journey of sobriety. Holland experienced numerous benefits, including improved sleep, better problem-solving skills, mental clarity, and overall better health and fitness. His decision also inspired his mother to go sober. Throughout it all, he has had the support of his girlfriend, Zendaya, who is also sober. Holland is grateful for her presence in his life and believes that being in a relationship with someone who understands his journey is invaluable.

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