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Alix Earle and Braxton Berrios Step Out on Red Carpet Following Breakup with Sophia Culpo

TikTok star Alix Earle and NFL player Braxton Berrios go public at ESPY Awards after his split from reality star Sophia Culpo; Culpo claims betrayal.

TikTok sensation Alix Earle has stepped onto the red carpet with NFL star Braxton Berrios, amid the aftermath of his highly publicized breakup with reality TV star Sophia Culpo earlier this year. Culpo claimed that their relationship ended due to "betrayal" and later shared alleged screenshots of conversations between her and Berrios, contradicting his timeline of events.

However, Earle and Berrios have not been shy about their new relationship, even posting a TikTok video featuring Earle playfully jumping on Berrios shirtless in bed and enjoying a cozy date night cooking together.

Now, it seems that Earle and Berrios have made their relationship official on the red carpet. The couple posed for photographs together at the 2023 ESPY Awards in Los Angeles on Wednesday night.

Earle, the social media sensation, wore a stunning strapless black leather dress paired with open-toe black heels to showcase her pedicure. Her hair was slicked back, and she completed her look with bronzed cheeks and a nude lip. Berrios, on the other hand, donned a pastel suit over a white button-up shirt and white sneakers.

In late June, Earle shared a TikTok video of her vacation in the Hamptons. While fans were captivated by their attendance at a Calvin Harris concert, it was the two-second mark of the video that caught their attention. The clip showed Berrios sitting shirtless on the edge of Earle's bed as she playfully straddled him.

At the time, their relationship status was unclear. When a fan commented, "HARD LAUNCH. HARD LAUNCH," Earle responded, "We're not even 'dating,' but it's hard for me not to share stuff with you guys, hahahaha."

However, with their red carpet appearance together, it seems that Earle and Berrios have taken their relationship to the next level.

Following Earle's video, the 27-year-old football wide receiver shared his side of the story regarding his breakup with Culpo in a late June Instagram Story. He expressed his desire for everyone to move on and be happy, emphasizing that their relationship ended because they simply weren't working out.

Berrios stated that their split "had nothing to do with anybody else" and that it was a mutual decision. He admitted that it had been strange and sad to see what had transpired since then, as he typically keeps his private life private. However, he felt the need to address the situation.

Screenshots shared on social media and obtained by TMZ seemed to contradict Berrios' version of events. In the screenshots, Culpo indicated that they were still together in February, despite Berrios claiming that they had broken up in January.

In one conversation from January 31, Culpo wrote, "It seems like you've contemplated the alternative though." Berrios replied, "No, I haven't. Don't read into that."

Culpo then asked if he wanted to be with her, to which Berrios responded, "Yes, I want to be with you." Culpo added a heart emoji before saying, "Ok, back to serious talk." Berrios replied, "HAHAHA, I'm going to the Hurricanes bball game with Rob in 30."

Screenshots dated February 11 showed Culpo texting Berrios, expressing her hope that the situation wouldn't escalate further. Berrios assured her that he would do everything in his power to prevent that from happening because he didn't want to be associated with any negative publicity.

According to Culpo, the real timeline indicates that they broke up after the Drake concert during Super Bowl weekend when Berrios was seen kissing another girl. This suggests that their breakup occurred in mid-February.

Culpo concluded by stating that she wasn't bitter and considered the situation a blessing. She wished everyone involved the best, including herself, and shared the truth to put an end to it all. She ended her message with "All love."

In conclusion, Alix Earle and Braxton Berrios have made their red carpet debut as a couple, despite the controversy surrounding Berrios' previous relationship. The screenshots shared by Sophia Culpo have raised questions about the timeline of events, adding another layer to the story. Only time will tell how this new relationship unfolds and if it can withstand the scrutiny.

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