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Kim teams up with Babyface for new song, faces backlash for sibling rivalry

Kim Kardashian criticized for seeking collaboration with Babyface for family album.

In the latest episode of The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian and her family decided to record a Christmas album together. However, Kim faced criticism for secretly reaching out to producer and singer Babyface to collaborate on her own song. While her family gathered around a piano for a singing lesson, Kim made a phone call to Babyface, expressing her embarrassment and reluctance to participate in the singing exercises. She proposed the idea of pretending to be too shy to sing, only to surprise everyone with a professionally produced song. Babyface suggested she sing "Santa Baby." Kim excitedly shared the news with the cameras, stating that Babyface agreed to do her background vocals and produce the song.

Critics accused Kim of trying to outshine her sisters and bring negative energy to the recording session. They claimed that she couldn't enjoy the moment with her family and instead sought to feed her ego by creating a song that would overshadow everyone else's contributions. The atmosphere in the room shifted from togetherness to division and tension.

In addition to the album drama, Kim also addressed rumors of plastic surgery during the episode. While receiving a singing lesson, she mentioned getting Botox in her neck, adding fuel to speculations about her cosmetic procedures. Kim has faced rumors of lip fillers, a nose job, and a facelift in the past. However, she has consistently denied these claims, stating that she has only had Botox injections. During an interview, she admitted to having a little bit of Botox between her eyebrows but emphasized that she has never had lip or cheek fillers, eyelash extensions, or any other cosmetic surgeries.

Despite the controversies surrounding Kim's actions and the ongoing rumors about her appearance, the Kardashian family continues to captivate audiences with their reality show. The dynamics between the sisters and their individual pursuits provide endless fodder for discussion and debate. Whether it's collaborating with famous producers or addressing plastic surgery rumors, the Kardashians always manage to keep viewers engaged and entertained.

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