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Chris Taylor credits afterparty with Margot Robbie for landing Barbie role

Love Island star Chris Taylor lands cameo in upcoming Barbie film.

In a surprising turn of events, Love Island season five's beloved Islander, Chris Taylor, has landed a cameo role in the highly anticipated Barbie film. It's a dream come true for Chris, who still can't believe his luck.

The story begins at a Birds of Prey party in 2020, where Chris's housemates and fellow Islanders, Michael Griffiths and Jordan Hames, had the opportunity to meet Margot Robbie on the red carpet. Excitedly, they shared their encounter with Margot, who expressed her enthusiasm to see them. As they discussed their experience, a message arrived, inviting them to an afterparty hosted by Margot. Chris, who was initially in bed, couldn't resist the chance to meet Margot Robbie and decided to join the party.

Little did Chris know that attending this afterparty would change his life. He had the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with Margot, discussing his personal life, family, and friends. Chris was amazed by Margot's down-to-earth and cool personality, considering her one of the nicest people he had ever met.

Unbeknownst to Chris, his genuine connection with Margot left a lasting impression. A year and a half later, he received an email from Warner Brothers, inviting him to audition for a role in Barbie. Chris was initially skeptical, thinking it might be an elaborate prank orchestrated by YouTubers. However, upon arriving at Warner Brothers studio and seeing Ryan Gosling pass by his car, he realized it was a genuine opportunity.

Chris's role in Barbie involved appearing in one scene in the middle of the movie. On the day of filming, he found himself on set alongside Ryan Gosling, Ncuti Gatwa, and Ben Kingsley, who portrayed different versions of Ken. Chris was particularly impressed by Ncuti Gatwa's kindness and support. Ncuti, having watched Love Island and admired Chris, made him feel at home and comfortable on set, understanding his nervousness as a non-actor.

To prepare for his scene, Chris practiced for weeks and received assistance from a dialect coach to perfect his American accent. Despite filming his scene over a year ago, Chris only discovered that his scene made the final cut on the day of the film's premiere. Seeing himself on screen was an incredible and surreal experience for him.

Interestingly, Chris learned that Margot Robbie's husband, Tom Ackerley, who produced the film, had been insistent on including Chris in the movie. At the premiere, Chris had the chance to speak with Tom, who shared Margot's enthusiasm for his role.

Excitedly, Chris announced his cameo appearance on Instagram, expressing his disbelief and gratitude. He also thanked a mysterious individual, whom he referred to as a "glorious ray of human sunshine," for making his cameo possible. It's safe to assume that this individual is none other than Margot Robbie herself, as Chris confirmed in an interview with Cosmopolitan UK.

With anticipation building, audiences will finally get to witness Chris's iconic cameo when Barbie hits the cinemas this week. It's a moment he, and his fans, have eagerly awaited.

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