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Ukraine Sends 28 Drones to Crimea Following Kerch Bridge Incident

Ukraine launches drones over Crimea after striking Russian bridge; air attacks reported.

In a recent development, Ukraine has taken action against Crimea by launching numerous drones just hours after targeting a bridge that connects to mainland Russia. According to Moscow, Russia's defense ministry has claimed to have shot down 28 drones in the region, asserting that no casualties or damage occurred as a result. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian air force has reported air raid alerts in the south and east of Ukraine, indicating that Russia launched overnight air attacks using drones and potentially ballistic missiles. During this time, a significant fire broke out at a facility in the port of Mykolaiv, as confirmed by the city's mayor. The air raid alerts were finally called off in the early hours of the morning. These events follow Russian President Vladimir Putin's promise of "reprisals" for what he referred to as a "terrorist attack" on the Kerch bridge in Crimea. Moscow alleges that Ukraine launched a maritime drone strike on the bridge, although Kyiv has not taken credit for the damage. Stay tuned for the latest updates on this ongoing situation.

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