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JFK's Grandson Criticizes RFK Jr as Disgrace to Family Legacy

JFK's grandson criticizes RFK Jr's candidacy, endorses Biden as "greatest progressive president."

In a video shared on Instagram, Jack Schlossberg, the grandson of President John F Kennedy, expressed his disapproval of Robert F Kennedy Jr's candidacy and endorsed President Joe Biden. Schlossberg emphasized the importance of his grandfather's legacy and accused his cousin of exploiting the Kennedy name for personal gain and fame by promoting conspiracy theories and conflict. He praised President Biden, describing him as potentially the greatest progressive president in American history. Schlossberg questioned why anyone would think RFK Jr should be president and labeled his candidacy as an embarrassment. He urged people not to be distracted by someone's vanity project. RFK Jr recently reignited a Covid-19 vaccine conspiracy theory, suggesting that the virus may be ethnically targeted. While President Biden maintains a significant lead in the Democratic primary, Kennedy has gained some support, polling at seven percent compared to the president's 69 percent in a recent YouGov poll.

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