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Joe Biden bypasses Pentagon to nominate Admiral Lisa Franchetti as first female head of US Navy

President Biden nominates Admiral Lisa Franchetti as head of US Navy, making her the first female service chief and Joint Chiefs of Staff member.

President Joe Biden has chosen Admiral Lisa Franchetti as his nominee for the head of the US Navy, overruling the Pentagon's recommendation of Admiral Samuel Paparo. If confirmed, Admiral Franchetti will become the first female Pentagon service chief and the first female member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. President Biden praised Admiral Franchetti's 38 years of dedicated service and extensive expertise in both operational and policy arenas.

Admiral Lisa Franchetti is a highly decorated naval officer, currently serving as the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from Northwestern University and joined the Navy in 1985 through the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Program. She has also attended the Naval War College and holds a master's degree in organizational management from the University of Phoenix.

Throughout her career, Admiral Franchetti has been involved in numerous high-stakes operations. She has served as Director for Strategy, Plans, and Policy for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, commander of the US Sixth Fleet, and commander of the US Naval Forces Korea, Carrier Strike Group 9, and Carrier Strike Group 15. She has also been the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for warfighting development.

Upon confirmation, Admiral Franchetti will make history as the first woman to lead the US Navy and serve as the Chief of Naval Operations. She will also become the first female member of the prestigious Joint Chiefs of Staff. Additionally, she is the second woman to achieve the four-star admiral rank in the Navy.

Admiral Franchetti's personal awards include the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

Admiral Franchetti is married to James Sievert and they have a daughter named Isabel.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who recommended Admiral Samuel Paparo for the Naval Chief position, expressed his pride in Admiral Franchetti's nomination. He believes she will continue to inspire everyone in her new role.

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