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Doja Cat criticizes 'creepy' fan accounts, 'Kittenz,' and disappoints supporters

Doja Cat criticizes fans for naming themselves; faces backlash from supporters.

Doja Cat, the popular singer, is expressing her frustration with some of her fans who have given themselves a nickname without her permission. In a series of tweets that have since been deleted, she made it clear that her fans do not have the right to name themselves. She even went as far as saying that if they identify as "Kittens" or "Kittenz," they should focus on getting a job and helping their parents with household responsibilities.

One fan challenged her remarks, pointing out that the fans only used the name that Doja Cat herself had given them. In response, Doja Cat tried to justify her comments by explaining that she came up with the name when she was a teenager struggling with alcoholism.

Doja Cat also expressed her discomfort with a fan who used her real name as their social media handle, calling it "creepy." She even suggested that fans should delete accounts that reference her in any way.

This harsh approach from Doja Cat has caused some fans to question their loyalty to her. Some have even turned their backs on her completely. They find it unreasonable that she would attack her own fans for simply giving themselves a nickname, which is common among fanbases.

It remains unclear what triggered this outburst from Doja Cat, and why she decided to delete the tweets later on. However, it will be interesting to see if this controversy will have any impact on her upcoming nationwide tour, scheduled to start in San Francisco in October.

Representatives for Doja Cat have not yet responded to requests for comment from Page Six.

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