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Morientes' Return to Hong Kong Triggers Memories of Real Madrid Galacticos Visit

Fernando Morientes, former Real Madrid star and La Liga ambassador, visited Hong Kong where he played in a friendly match in 2003. Morientes expressed his support for players moving to Saudi Arabia at the end of their careers, saying it is not unhealthy. He also emphasized the importance of adapting to the local culture and demands of fans for players to succeed at Real Madrid.

Fernando Morientes, the former Real Madrid star, Liverpool player, and Spanish international, holds a deep affection for Hong Kong. In 2003, he visited the city as part of Real Madrid's prestigious squad of "galacticos" during one of their preseason trips. The trip holds special memories for Morientes, as it was one of the first preseasons abroad for Real Madrid. The team played an Invitational XI in a friendly match, with stars like Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo, Roberto Carlos, David Beckham, Luis Figo, and Raul showcasing their skills in front of 40,000 fans at Hong Kong Stadium.

Morientes, now 47 years old and serving as an ambassador for La Liga Football Schools, recently returned to Hong Kong and expressed his fondness for the city. He mentioned that the 2003 trip left a lasting impression on him, and he cherishes the memories from that time. During the friendly match, Morientes came on as a substitute in the second half, just like ex-Hong Kong goalkeeper Fan Chun-yip, who also played against him. The two had the opportunity to reunite at the training center in Tseung Kwan O, where they shared their experiences from the match.

Morientes had an illustrious career with Real Madrid, scoring 72 goals for the club. He later joined Liverpool and then returned to Spain to play for Valencia. Over the years, Real Madrid has seen the likes of Cristiano Ronaldo and Karim Benzema grace their ranks, with the latter now making a move to Saudi Arabia's Al Ittihad alongside Ronaldo. While some criticize the move, Morientes believes that players like Ronaldo and Benzema have already given their best years to La Liga and should be allowed to explore new experiences. He also mentioned that the lucrative salaries players receive in Saudi Arabia do not necessarily indicate an unhealthy situation.

Looking ahead, Morientes discussed the potential future heroes of Real Madrid, such as Jude Bellingham and possibly Kylian Mbappe. He emphasized the importance of adapting to the local culture and meeting the demands of passionate fans. According to Morientes, success at Real Madrid requires more than just skill on the field; players must also immerse themselves in the club's culture, learn the language, and embrace life in Madrid. Only then can they truly make their mark and become part of the club's history.

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