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"Rising in Popularity Again: Bluesky Users Surge, Following Meta's Threads

"Bluesky, a Twitter alternative, gains popularity with over 10,000 sign-ups."

Bluesky, the latest contender in the quest to dethrone Twitter, is gaining traction and capturing the attention of users. With over 10,000 sign-ups, this milestone is particularly remarkable considering the exclusivity of the platform.

A recent post by u/madman320 on the Bluesky Reddit community revealed that the platform experienced its most successful day since July 4, with close to 40,000 users flocking to the platform. The surge in user activity can be attributed to Twitter's decision to limit the number of tweets users could see, prompting many to explore alternative microblogging social media platforms like Bluesky. It's worth noting that Bluesky temporarily halted sign-ups in early June during a previous surge but quickly resumed after a few days.

Interestingly, Bluesky's rise in popularity coincided with Twitter's rebranding to X. This sparked speculation about Meta, the parent company of Bluesky, holding the trademark for "X." However, these rumors were debunked. The blue and white X logo was actually associated with Mixer, Facebook's live-streaming platform, which was shut down in June 2020.

Despite Bluesky's growing popularity, some users have expressed dissatisfaction with the slow onboarding process. The waitlist for Bluesky has been open since October 2022, but it appears that the team is only sending out invites to 1,000 people per week. As a result, Bluesky's user base is not as massive as Meta's Threads, which reportedly amassed over 100 million sign-ups within a week of its release.

In addition to Bluesky, another Twitter-like platform called Mastodon is also experiencing a surge in popularity. According to a tracker, Mastodon now boasts a total of 13.6 million accounts, with over 112,000 new accounts created in the past week.

The rise of Bluesky and Mastodon highlights the growing demand for alternative social media platforms that offer a different experience from Twitter. With Twitter's recent changes and limitations, users are actively seeking out new platforms that provide a similar microblogging experience. It will be interesting to see how Bluesky and Mastodon continue to evolve and compete in this dynamic landscape.

What are your thoughts on the increasing number of users on Bluesky? Share your opinions in the comments section below!

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