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Police Remove Swedish Climate Activist Greta Thunberg from Protest, Hours After Imposing Fine

Greta Thunberg removed from protest after court fines her for disobedience.

Environmental activist group Reclaim the Future organized a rally in Malmo harbor to protest against the use of fossil fuels. The rally aimed to block the entrance and exit to the harbor. Greta Thunberg, a 20-year-old climate campaigner, appeared in court earlier in the day for disrupting traffic and refusing to leave a protest in June. She denied the crime, stating that her actions were necessary due to the urgency of the climate crisis. Thunberg was later found guilty and fined 1,500 krona (US$144), with an additional 1,000 krona going to the Swedish fund for victims of crime.

Thunberg expressed that the fine would not deter her and that they would not back down. She believes that playing by the rules will not save the world, as the laws need to be changed. Thunberg finds it absurd that those who act in line with the science and block the fossil fuel industry are the ones being penalized. Shortly after the trial, Thunberg participated in a similar protest, sitting on the road leading to the Malmo port with a sign that read "I block tanker trucks." She was forcibly removed by police along with five others, who were also reported for disobeying police orders.

Greta Thunberg gained global fame for starting the "School Strike for the Climate" at the age of 15. She co-founded the Fridays for Future movement, which has become a global phenomenon. In addition to her climate strikes, Thunberg frequently criticizes governments and politicians for their inadequate response to climate issues.

Reclaim the Future remains determined to stand up to the fossil fuels industry despite legal pressures. The group believes that they have the right to live and that the industry obstructs that right. Six individuals who were present at the June protest have already faced or will face charges in court. The group plans to continue engaging in civil disobedience to combat the industry they believe is detrimental to their lives.

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