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"Shocking Revelation: Rudy Giuliani Confesses to Spreading Falsehoods about Georgia Election Workers | Must-Watch Politics News!"

Rudy Giuliani claims his false statements about Georgia election workers are protected.

Rudy Giuliani is facing a lawsuit from Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss, two Georgia election workers, who accuse him of defaming them by making false statements about their involvement in election fraud. Giuliani, who was part of Donald Trump's legal team during the 2020 presidential election, acknowledges that his statements were false but argues that they are protected by the Constitution. In order to prove defamation, the plaintiffs must demonstrate not only that the statements were false but also that they caused actual damage.

In a court filing, Giuliani's statement was attached to an argument asserting that he did not fail to produce evidence in the case and should not be sanctioned as requested by Freeman and Moss. While Giuliani does not admit to the allegations, he does not contest the factual allegations for the purpose of this litigation.

Giuliani's political adviser, Ted Goodman, stated that the filing was made to progress to the next stage of the case, which would allow for a motion to dismiss. On the other hand, Michael Gottlieb, a lawyer for Freeman and Moss, emphasized that Giuliani's acknowledgment of the truth is a significant milestone in their pursuit of justice. They believe that Freeman and Moss acted in accordance with the law during the election and that the allegations of election fraud made against them by Giuliani and former President Trump have always been false.

The court still needs to decide certain issues, including damages. Freeman and Moss have also accused Giuliani of failing to preserve evidence, and they have requested sanctions from US District Judge Beryl Howell.

In response, Giuliani's lawyer argued that the electronic evidence in question was already seized by the government and therefore not within Giuliani's control.

It is important to note that this article has not been edited by our staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.

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