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"New York Mets Trade David Robertson to Miami Marlins, Hinting at Deadline Sale Strategies"

Mets trade reliever David Robertson, signaling plans to sell talent.

In the year 2023, the New York Mets were not expected to be a team that defied the odds and became a Cinderella story. With a high payroll and a roster filled with some of the best talent in the league, they were no longer the scrappy underdogs.

However, on Thursday night, the clock struck midnight for the Mets. During their 2-1 win over the Washington Nationals, right-handed reliever David Robertson was traded to the Miami Marlins in the ninth inning. In return, the Mets received two minor leaguers, infielder Marco Vargas and catcher Ronald Hernandez. This trade signaled the Mets' plans for the upcoming trade deadline: to sell talent and acquire future assets.

Mets general manager Billy Eppler explained the decision, stating, "We were faced with where our club was at this time of the season. We've had a number of inquiries on our players and we were listening. In this circumstance, the value of the players that we acquired kind of exceeded our expectations. So we executed it."

Currently, the Mets are seven games out of an NL Wild Card playoff spot with only five days left until the trade deadline. While Eppler did not explicitly say that the club is open for business, trading away the team's most important bullpen piece suggests otherwise. It's clear that the Mets are looking towards the future and are willing to make moves to improve the team in the long run.

Robertson, who had expressed his desire to stay with the Mets for the rest of the season, acknowledged that he knew a trade was a possibility. He said, "I figured I would be moved, but I just really didn't have any idea where. It was kind of a shock, but it's part of this game."

The Mets have been in a state of uncertainty since the All-Star break. A promising six-game winning streak at the start of July gave them hope, but they quickly lost momentum. Eppler knew that time was running out and when he received an offer that he deemed satisfactory, he didn't hesitate to make the trade.

"Our farm system has got a way to go," Eppler admitted. "We've had some drafts that, I think, a lot of people feel good with. But we have to continue to add. If we're going to go where we want to go in the long-term, we're going to need an upper-tiered farm system to get there."

Robertson, despite his disappointment, understands the decision. He said, "This has not been the funnest part of the year, that's for sure. When you come in here and everybody is asking where you're going and what are your thoughts, it's a lot to deal with when you still have to go out there and compete knowing you might not be on the team for very long."

The Mets' season has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. They have struggled to find consistency, with their pitching and hitting not aligning on many occasions. It's a mystery as to why a team filled with talented players has failed to perform at a high level consistently.

"We had a big injury to Edwin this year, which probably cost us 6-7 games and that would have put us right in the thick of it," Robertson reflected. "Can't do anything about that. It was an accident and they happen. But we still had the guys to get it done. We just weren't able to put it together. I don't know what it was."

Now, with the trade deadline approaching, the Mets will continue to make moves. Left-hander Brooks Raley and outfielders Tommy Pham and Mark Canha are rumored to be on the trading block. Only time will tell who comes out on top in these trades, but for the 2023 Mets, their season is all but over.

Eppler summed up the situation, saying, "It's not where we want to be. It's not what we want to be doing. We're trying to balance the best interest in the team and we also have to balance the best interest of the organization. Sometimes, those are more perpendicular than they are parallel."

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