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"Hannity Criticized for Praising Rep. Nancy Mace's Prayer Breakfast Statement - Conservative Angle"

Fox News insults traditional viewers by joking about premarital sex during a prayer breakfast, sparking backlash from viewers.

Fox News continues to insult its traditional viewers, as evidenced by a recent incident involving Republican Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina. During a prayer breakfast hosted by Republican Sen. Tim Scott, Mace made a joke about skipping premarital sex in order to attend the event. Surprisingly, Sean Hannity, a prominent Fox News host, applauded her comment on his show later that evening.

The clip of Mace's ill-conceived joke was featured on "Hannity," where he jokingly remarked that Mace would be home late due to her appearance on his show. This exchange lasted nearly four minutes before transitioning to a discussion about UFOs and the Biden crime family. Hannity's decision to not only acknowledge but also amplify Mace's comment drew criticism from viewers and social media users.

Many Twitter users expressed their disgust with Hannity and the network, accusing them of mocking the Christian values of their audience. Some questioned why they continue to watch Fox News despite feeling that their values are being undermined. This incident, along with Tucker Carlson's recent firing, has raised concerns about the network's disregard for its viewers' beliefs.

Mace's joke at the prayer breakfast highlights a lack of self-awareness and an inability to gauge her audience's reaction. It also reveals a shift in societal norms, as she openly discussed a topic that was once considered private. However, Hannity's behavior is more concerning, as it demonstrates a disconnect between Fox News and its viewers. Despite having time to consider his references to Mace's comment, Hannity chose to make them anyway, further alienating the network's traditional audience.

This incident serves as yet another example of Fox News's failure to understand and cater to its viewers. The network seems oblivious to the fact that its traditional audience, who hold conservative values, are growing increasingly disillusioned. By insulting their beliefs and making light of sensitive topics, Fox News is pushing away the very people who once supported and trusted the network.

In conclusion, Fox News's recent incident involving Nancy Mace and Sean Hannity highlights the network's continued disregard for its traditional viewers. While Mace's ill-advised joke at the prayer breakfast reveals a lack of self-awareness, Hannity's decision to amplify and make references to her comment further alienates the network's audience. This incident raises concerns about Fox News's understanding of its viewers and their conservative values, ultimately driving them away from the network.

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