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Khloe Kardashian's Controversial Blackfishing Accusations in Latest Video

Khloe Kardashian faces accusations of blackfishing after fans noticed changes in her appearance in a recent video.

Khloe Kardashian is facing accusations of blackfishing once again after fans noticed peculiar details about her appearance in a recent video. This is not the first time that Khloe or her siblings have been accused of trying to appear as a different race or ethnicity. The controversy arose when a screenshot from a recent episode of The Kardashians was posted on Reddit, where critics scrutinized it and accused Khloe of blackfishing. Blackfishing is when someone alters their appearance through hairstyling or makeup to appear as Black or another race.

The person who posted the screenshot went on to claim that Khloe dresses differently than her normal style when she interacts with people of color, suggesting a lack of authenticity. Another commenter pointed out her privilege, accusing her of dressing up in casual streetwear to seem relatable to those in less privileged communities. The commenter criticized her for using their struggles as an aesthetic.

In the scene in question, Khloe and Kim Kardashian were visiting women in a shelter. A third commenter questioned the excessive use of bronzer by the sisters for this visit. This is not the first time Khloe has faced accusations of blackfishing. In April, she attended a press event wearing a hot pink jumpsuit and appeared noticeably more tan than usual, which drew criticism from fans who accused her of blackfishing.

Khloe's sister Kim has also faced backlash for her tan while on a date with Pete Davidson, and Kylie Jenner has been criticized for her visibly darker skin and tight braids. Khloe herself faced criticism earlier this year when a photo resurfaced of her sporting a traditional African American hairstyle. In addition to comments about her complexion, fans have also expressed concerns about Khloe's weight loss journey, with some suggesting she has taken it too far.

Recently, Khloe shared photos on the Good American Instagram wearing an all-pink outfit, and fans noticed similarities between her shape and that of Barbie. Some commenters compared her figure to that of model Kendall Jenner, suggesting that Khloe has achieved a similar level of slimness through her hard work in the gym.

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