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'Čejka edges out Harrington, clinches play-off win at Senior Open'

Alex Čejka battled treacherous conditions to win The Senior Open Presented by Rolex in Wales, defeating Pádraig Harrington in a play-off.

In a thrilling display of skill and resilience, Alex Čejka emerged victorious in The Senior Open Presented by Rolex, battling through treacherous conditions at Royal Porthcawl Golf Club in Bridgend, Wales. The weather proved to be a formidable opponent, with high winds and rain making it nearly impossible for any player to break par for the second consecutive day. Čejka, a German golfer, posted a five over 76, finishing on five over par after 72 holes and forcing a play-off with Pádraig Harrington, who posted a four over 75.

The play-off was a tense affair, with both players birdying the first trip back down the 18th hole. Harrington had a chance to take the lead with an eagle putt, but it slipped by marginally. On the next extra hole, Čejka, at the age of 52, prevailed. Harrington's second shot into the par five went long, and his chip fell short of the green. This allowed Čejka to two-putt for birdie and claim victory, becoming the second German winner of the Senior Claret Jug, following in the footsteps of Bernhard Langer.

In disbelief and awe, Čejka expressed his emotions after the win, saying, "I still can't believe it. It's been a really tough week. I can't believe I'm standing with the trophy here. Seeing all those great names on the trophy, coming in here with all the pictures and everything, all the guys who won it before me, now holding it myself, it's surreal."

This triumph in Wales marks Čejka's fourth victory since turning 50, an impressive feat. Notably, three of those wins have come at Senior Majors, with his previous victories at The Tradition and the Senior PGA Championship in 2021. On the other hand, Harrington's second-place finish in Europe's only Senior Major Championship for the second consecutive year is undoubtedly bittersweet.

Fijian Vijay Singh, another three-time Major winner, rounded out the top three, finishing third with a score of seven over par. Sweden's Michael Jonzon secured fourth place with a score of eight over par, while England's Phillip Archer and Welshman Phillip Price shared fifth place, both finishing nine over par.

Bernhard Langer, a four-time Senior Open winner who previously triumphed at Royal Porthcawl in 2014 and 2017, found himself in a tie for seventh place alongside Australia's Richard Green, Scotsman Euan McIntosh, and Jerry Kelly from the United States.

Jeev Milkha Singh, who started the week strongly, faltered as the conditions grew tougher. The Dubai-based Indian golfer finished the tournament in a tie for fourteenth place.

Overall, the Senior Open Presented by Rolex was a test of skill, determination, and adaptability. The challenging weather conditions added an extra layer of difficulty to an already demanding tournament. In the end, it was Alex Čejka who showcased his resilience and emerged as the deserving champion, etching his name into the history books alongside the golfing legends who came before him.

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