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'Sam Bankman-Fried: DOJ Pushes Jail Time Over Witness Tampering and Impeding Investigations'

DOJ seeks detention for FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried due to witness tampering and obstruction of justice, revoking his bail.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has expressed dissatisfaction with the existing bail terms of Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, following allegations that he tampered with witnesses and obstructed investigations. In a court filing, the DOJ has requested Judge Lewis Kaplan to revoke Bankman-Fried's bail and place him in detention, citing concerns about his willingness to comply with pretrial conditions.

The DOJ argues that Bankman-Fried's actions, including attempts to tamper with witnesses and interfere with the right to a fair trial, as well as his consistent disregard for his bail conditions, indicate that no set of release conditions can ensure the safety of the community or guarantee his compliance.

One specific incident mentioned by the DOJ is Bankman-Fried's deliberate leak of diary writings belonging to Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of FTX's trading arm, Alameda Research. This act is seen as an attempt to hinder or dissuade Ellison from testifying.

Furthermore, the DOJ highlights that the leaking of Ellison's private writings is not only an attempt to intimidate her regarding her upcoming trial testimony, but also an effort to influence or prevent the testimony of other potential trial witnesses by creating a fear that their personal business may be exposed in the media.

Currently, Bankman-Fried is residing in his parents' home in Paolo Alto, California, while out on bail.

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