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'Guardians of the Galaxy 3: Where You've Seen Will Poulter Before'

Will Poulter takes on the role of Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, a different version from the comics.

In the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, director James Gunn fulfills a promise made in the previous film by introducing the character of Adam Warlock, played by British actor Will Poulter. This version of Adam Warlock differs from the one depicted in Marvel Comics, as he is not yet fully developed or possessing the immense powers and intelligence associated with the character. However, as the story progresses, we see his transformation and growth.

In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, we catch a glimpse of an incubator containing Adam Warlock in the chambers of Sovereign leader Ayesha. In the conclusion of Gunn's trilogy, Adam emerges prematurely from his cocoon, tasked with destroying the Guardians and returning Rocket to the High Evolutionary. This storyline delves into the dark origins of Rocket, as he was created as part of the High Evolutionary's sinister experiments to create a perfect race.

Unlike the comic book version of Adam Warlock, who possesses godlike powers and supreme intelligence, the MCU version is portrayed as a man-baby, lacking in intelligence and maturity. However, as the film progresses, we witness his character development and growth, hinting at the potential evolution into the Adam Warlock fans are familiar with.

Will Poulter, a talented British actor, takes on the role of Adam Warlock. Poulter's career began in 2007 with a role in the independent comedy Son of Rambow. He later portrayed Eustace Scrubb in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Despite his youthful appearance, Poulter has proven his versatility as an actor, capable of portraying dark and complex characters. He was initially cast as Pennywise in the film adaptation of Stephen King's It, but due to production delays, he had to step down from the role.

In conclusion, the introduction of Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 brings a new dimension to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Will Poulter's portrayal of this character showcases his range as an actor, and while the MCU version may differ from the comic book counterpart, there is potential for growth and development in future installments. Fans eagerly await the evolution of Adam Warlock and his role in the Guardians' universe.

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