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Clint Eastwood's Former Mistress, Dies at 93: 14-Year Affair with Actor

Clint Eastwood's former lover, Roxanne Tunis, has died at the age of 93 after a brief illness. Tunis and Eastwood had a 14-year affair while he was married to his first wife.

Clint Eastwood's former lover, Roxanne Tunis, has sadly passed away at the age of 93 after a brief illness. Tunis, who had a 14-year affair with the iconic actor, leaves behind their daughter Kimber Eastwood. The news of Tunis' death has deeply affected Eastwood, with reports stating that he is just as devastated as his daughter.

According to insiders, Tunis was considered one of Eastwood's true loves, and their relationship remained healthy until the very end. Their illicit romance began in 1964 while Eastwood was still married to his first wife, Maggie Johnson, whom he had been with since college. The relationship between Eastwood and Tunis overlapped with his marriage to Johnson, which eventually ended in 1984 after 34 years.

Eastwood and Tunis first met in 1959 while working on the TV show Rawhide. At the time, Eastwood had briefly separated from Johnson, and he and Tunis started their affair. Their romance lasted for 14 years, and Tunis even had a role in Eastwood's film Every Which Way But Loose in 1978.

In the mid-1960s, Tunis informed Eastwood that she was expecting a child. According to a source, Eastwood made it clear that he would not leave his wife to marry Tunis. However, he promised to provide financial support for her and the baby and requested complete secrecy about their relationship.

Aside from her involvement with Eastwood, Tunis had been previously married to Jack Watson Scheck Jr. Eastwood himself was married to Dina Eastwood from 1996 to 2014.

It is always heartbreaking to lose a loved one, especially someone who played such a significant role in one's life. Roxanne Tunis will be remembered as one of Clint Eastwood's true loves, and her passing is a loss felt by both him and their daughter Kimber. May she rest in peace.

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