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'Red, White and Royal Blue dedication honors Taylor Zakhar Perez's sister Kristy'

"Red, White and Royal Blue" premieres on Amazon Prime Video, but star Taylor Zakhar Perez dedicates the film to his late sister.

Red, White and Royal Blue, the highly anticipated film adaptation of Casey McQuiston's best-selling book, has finally made its premiere on Amazon Prime Video. This is an incredibly exciting moment for fans of the book, but it is also a bittersweet time for star Taylor Zakhar Perez.

Zakhar Perez, who gained recognition for his roles in Netflix's The Kissing Booth 2 and the first season of Minx, has landed his first leading movie role in Red, White and Royal Blue. This is a well-deserved opportunity for the talented and dedicated actor.

However, prior to the film's release, Zakhar Perez shared a heartbreaking post on Instagram in June, announcing the passing of his oldest sister, Kristy. In the post, he expressed how devastated he was that she would not be able to watch him shine in Red, White and Royal Blue. He described her excitement for the film and stated that he couldn't imagine it premiering without her.

In a touching tribute, the movie includes a dedication to Kristy in its final frame. The dedication simply reads, "For Kristy." This gesture by director Matthew López, Zakhar Perez, and the rest of the team behind the movie is truly beautiful, honoring his sister's memory and acknowledging her absence during this milestone in Zakhar Perez's career.

Zakhar Perez's Instagram post on June 4 featured a throwback photo of him with Kristy in 1993 at their father's auto-body shop in Chicago. Alongside the photo, he wrote a heartfelt message about his sister. Kristy passed away at the age of 44 from stage 4 colorectal cancer, leaving behind a husband, three children, and a loving family.

On August 10, Zakhar Perez's sister Ashley shared a post on Instagram showing the actor's family attending a screening of the movie together. They posed in front of the dedication that read "For Kristy." The caption of the post expressed how special it was for Taylor to include this tribute to their sister in the film.

Zakhar Perez's tribute to his sister reflects the deep impact she had on his life. He describes her as an inspiration and a source of support and love. He also uses this opportunity to remind his followers to prioritize their health and not take routine check-ups for granted, as Kristy had no preexisting conditions. This serves as a powerful reminder that appearances on social media can be deceiving, and we should always be mindful of the struggles others may be facing.

On behalf of the Hidden Remote and Red, White and Royal Blue communities, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Taylor Zakhar Perez and his family during this difficult time.

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