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'Wheel of Fortune' Vanna White Shares Rare Photo of Son Amid Contract Standoff

Vanna White celebrates her son's 29th birthday with a heartfelt Instagram post amid contract discussions and a temporary break from 'Wheel of Fortune'.

Vanna White, the beloved hostess of "Wheel of Fortune," recently took the time to celebrate her son's 29th birthday amidst uncertainty surrounding her future on the show. In a heartwarming gesture, White shared a rare photo of her son, Nikko Santo Pietro, on Instagram, expressing her love and admiration for him.

The caption accompanying the photo read, "Happy 29th Birthday to the most amazing son a mother could ever have! I love you!" It's clear that White holds a special place in her heart for her son, as evidenced by her heartfelt message. Nikko responded to his mother's post a few hours later, simply saying, "Love you mom."

This display of affection is not uncommon for White and her son, as their bond extends beyond their immediate family. Nikko has received well wishes from none other than the show's host, Pat Sajak, and his daughter, Maggie, in the past. In fact, the two families have even shared some lighthearted moments together on the show.

During an episode in May, Maggie Sajak had the opportunity to interview Nikko Santo Pietro on the show's social media page. The familiarity between the two was evident, with Maggie mentioning that they had known each other their entire lives. Nikko added, "It's been a long time." The segment also featured a playful moment where Pat Sajak's mother encouraged Nikko to plant a kiss on Maggie's cheek, resulting in a playful hit. This brought back memories of a similar incident from their childhood, where the hit was real.

The love and support from Vanna White towards her son are not surprising considering their history. Nikko is White's son from her marriage to George Santo Pietro, which lasted from 1990 to 2002. The couple started dating before tying the knot and soon became parents, but unfortunately, they experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage shortly after announcing the pregnancy.

Nikko Santo Pietro is the oldest of their two children, with daughter Giovanna "Gigi" Santo Pietro being born in 1997. White and Santo Pietro ultimately divorced after 12 years of marriage.

In summary, Vanna White's recent birthday tribute to her son, Nikko Santo Pietro, showcases the deep love and affection she has for him. Despite the uncertainties surrounding her future on "Wheel of Fortune," White continues to prioritize her family and maintain strong bonds with them. The support and well wishes from the show's host, Pat Sajak, and his family further highlight the close-knit relationships within the "Wheel of Fortune" community.

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