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Billy Porter Criticized for Calling Anna Wintour a 'B****' Over Harry Styles Vogue Cover

Billy Porter sparks backlash after calling Anna Wintour a 'b****' for featuring Harry Styles as the first-ever solo male cover star of Vogue.

Billy Porter has faced backlash after criticizing Anna Wintour for featuring Harry Styles as the first-ever solo male cover star of Vogue. In an interview with The Telegraph, Porter discussed the criticism he received for his initial comments about Styles wearing a Gucci dress on the cover. Porter, known for promoting gender-neutral fashion, expressed his desire to uplift voices that are often unheard in the fashion industry.

Porter revealed that he had a Q&A session with Wintour months before Styles' cover was revealed. He recalled how Wintour asked him how they could do better, and he regretted not responding with a suggestion to use Vogue's power to uplift leaders in the de-gendering of fashion movement. However, Porter expressed disappointment that Styles ultimately became the first man on the cover.

Porter clarified that his criticism was not directed at Styles personally but at the gatekeepers of the fashion industry. He argued that Styles' presence on the cover was due to his white, straight, and conventionally attractive appearance, rather than his alignment with the de-gendering movement. Porter expressed frustration that his community was being used to elevate others without any sacrifice on their part.

Despite Porter's efforts to promote inclusivity, his comments about Wintour received backlash online, with some fans accusing him of misogyny. People criticized his use of derogatory language towards a woman who did not align with his expectations. Others dismissed his statement entirely, refusing to engage with his argument after the use of derogatory language.

Porter's recent remarks about Wintour also led to jokes and speculation about his future invitations to the Met Gala. Some users pointed out the irony of Porter criticizing Wintour while acknowledging his own privilege as a homeowner. They suggested that his criticism would be more valid if he were facing financial hardships.

In December 2019, Styles made history as Vogue's first-ever solo male cover star, wearing a Gucci dress. Months later, Porter expressed his discontent with Vogue's decision, claiming that Styles only had to be white and straight to break barriers. Porter emphasized the struggle he faced in his own life to be able to wear a dress to the Oscars and criticized the ease with which Styles seemed to embrace gender-neutral fashion.

Following the backlash, Porter issued an apology to Styles on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He clarified that the conversation about inclusivity in fashion goes beyond Styles and is about the systems of oppression and erasure faced by people of color. Porter expressed his willingness to engage in a deeper conversation about the topic, as long as it avoids the cancel culture prevalent on social media.

Porter, who previously claimed to have changed the game in breaking gendered fashion barriers, famously wore a tuxedo dress to the 2019 Oscars. Anna Wintour has not publicly responded to Porter's recent remarks.

The Independent has reached out to representatives for both Billy Porter and Anna Wintour for comment.

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