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Al Horford's Sister Criticizes 76ers Amid James Harden Drama

Anna Horford, sister of NBA player Al Horford, criticizes the Philadelphia 76ers, calling the organization a "miserable show" amid the drama with James Harden.

In the eyes of Anna Horford, sister of Boston Celtics center Al Horford, the ongoing drama surrounding the Philadelphia 76ers is a perfect representation of the entire organization. The 76ers find themselves embroiled in a dispute with star guard James Harden, who had hoped to be traded to Philadelphia during the offseason. However, trade talks were abruptly halted, leading Harden to publicly criticize 76ers president of basketball operations Daryl Morey, labeling him a "liar" and declaring his refusal to be a part of an organization with Morey at the helm.

Anna Horford, seemingly relishing in the turmoil faced by the 76ers, took to the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) to mock the franchise, describing it as a "giant, miserable (expletive) show." This is not the first time Horford has expressed her discontent with the 76ers and their fans. In June 2022, she criticized the treatment her family received during Al Horford's brief stint with Philadelphia in the 2019-20 season.

The escalating tension between Harden and the 76ers could potentially benefit the Celtics, particularly if the two parties fail to resolve their differences before the start of the season. The 76ers have already undergone significant changes in the offseason, replacing Doc Rivers with Nick Nurse as the team's head coach.

As the season approaches, it appears that the 76ers are already experiencing a downward spiral. However, this does not seem to bother Anna Horford in the slightest.

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