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Cancelling Ranbir Kapoor: Empowering Women to Combat Sexism

Alia Bhatt's revelation that Ranbir Kapoor disliked her wearing lipstick sparked backlash on social media, with users criticizing Kapoor's actions. The couple has not responded to the controversy.

In a recent revelation, Alia Bhatt shared that her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, used to encourage her to remove her lipstick and embrace her natural lip color. However, this statement sparked a wave of backlash on social media, with users criticizing Kapoor for his actions. Despite the controversy, the couple has yet to issue an official response.

During the promotion of her film, Heart of Stone, Bhatt posted a video showcasing her lipstick application routine. In the video, she explained that Kapoor would often suggest she remove her lipstick, expressing a preference for her natural lip shade. This disclosure ignited a frenzy on social media, with users harshly condemning Kapoor for his remark.

The aftermath of Bhatt's revelation saw a flood of online backlash, with users vehemently criticizing Kapoor for his stance. Many comments expressed concern for Bhatt, stating that if a partner insists on dictating one's appearance, it is a major red flag. The public was taken aback that such a situation could occur with one of India's most celebrated actors. Others shared similar sentiments, stating that they would end a relationship if a partner attempted to control their makeup choices.

Kapoor has faced previous controversies, including a distasteful body-shaming joke about Bhatt and problematic interviews with other female co-stars. Many women have canceled Kapoor for his repeated offenses, particularly for speaking over women. However, the question arises: what do women truly gain from canceling Kapoor on the internet for a few days?

In Bollywood, sexist comments and jokes by stars often go unpunished due to their power and stardom. While cancel culture sometimes holds these figures accountable, it often fades away quickly as social media's attention shifts to a new topic. While it is important to call out problematic behavior by public figures, the effectiveness of cancel culture in addressing these issues is questionable.

Recently, a Twitter user shared a clip highlighting Kapoor's disrespectful behavior towards his female co-stars. This tweet sparked further outrage, with users sharing more instances where Kapoor exhibited similar behavior. The backlash against Kapoor intensified after he fat-shamed Bhatt, pointing at her baby bump and making derogatory comments. Although Kapoor dismissed it as a joke, the audience found his remark disrespectful. This led to Kapoor being canceled on the internet, with people sharing old interviews showcasing his irresponsible actions.

It is important to call out Kapoor's misconduct, and his followers must understand the importance of respectful communication with co-stars. His lineage, entitlement, or talent should not grant him superiority over his peers. This call-out may also serve as a wake-up call for his followers who may emulate his behavior and believe it is acceptable to speak over women.

However, the question remains: does canceling a public figure like Kapoor truly benefit women seeking better treatment? The problem with cancel culture is that people quickly forget such incidents, often overlooking the larger issue of unequal treatment of women. While Kapoor has apologized for his fat-shaming remark, it raises the question of whether his apology stems from a genuine desire to change or merely a desire to protect his public image.

It is crucial to hold public figures accountable and ensure they genuinely change their behavior. Additionally, it is important to address the underlying patriarchal privileges that allow men to enjoy unequal treatment. True change will only occur when there is a two-way conversation that helps men understand the negative impact of sexism.

In conclusion, while canceling Ranbir Kapoor may provide a temporary victory for internet warriors, it does little to bring about meaningful change for women in our society. It is essential to foster dialogue and education that helps men recognize the harmful effects of their actions and strive for equality and respect for all.

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