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Keke Palmer Praises Usher in 'Boyfriend' Music Video Following Concert Drama: "A Living Legend Worthy of Awe"

Keke Palmer expresses gratitude to Usher for including her in his music video, calling him a living legend.

Keke Palmer expresses her gratitude and admiration for Usher in response to being featured in his latest music video, "Boyfriend." The R&B icon had previously teased the video on social media, generating excitement among fans. Keke Palmer took to her own platform to share a dance scene from the video and express how much the moment meant to her. She reminisced about auditioning for Usher's show "In The Mix" when she was just 12 years old and praised his talent and craftsmanship as an artist. Keke Palmer sees Usher as a living legend and credits him for encouraging and recognizing her own talent as an entertainer. She confesses that she never wanted to be the girl in Usher's videos, but rather aspired to be like him. Keke Palmer thanks Usher for making her dream come true.

This heartfelt post from Keke Palmer comes after a public spat between her and her boyfriend, Darius Jackson, following a viral moment where Usher serenaded her at one of his Las Vegas shows. Jackson criticized Palmer for her outfit, suggesting that as a mother, she should not be showcasing her body in that way. Despite the backlash received online, Jackson stood by his comments, emphasizing his standards and morals. Keke Palmer has not directly addressed the situation or revealed the status of her relationship with Jackson.

Throughout this controversy, Usher has shown his support for Keke Palmer. In a recent interview with PEOPLE, Usher discussed the viral moment and expressed his thoughts on the situation. He acknowledged that every night he considers how the world will react to the moments he shares with his chosen audience members during his performances. Usher viewed the incident as a lighthearted and fun pop moment, hoping that it would lead to conversations about enjoying oneself in Las Vegas. He believes that any negative interpretations of the event are simply different versions of what people perceived, rather than a true reflection of what occurred.

Overall, Keke Palmer's appreciation for Usher's inclusion of her in his music video demonstrates the impact he has had on her life and career. Despite the controversy surrounding her personal life, Usher continues to support and uplift Keke Palmer. The viral moment between the two artists serves as a reminder of the power of music and the joy it can bring to both performers and their audiences.

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