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KDE Wallpaper Competition for Plasma 6 Announced

Join KDE's Plasma 6 wallpaper competition and have a chance to win a Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition. Unleash your creativity now!

Hey designers! We have an exciting opportunity for you to showcase your creativity and win a fantastic prize. KDE is hosting a Plasma 6 wallpaper competition and inviting designers from around the world to participate. This is your chance to contribute to the next generation of the widely-used desktop environment and make your mark on the open-source community.

KDE has always been known for its user-friendly and customizable desktop, and the upcoming Plasma 6 release is set to take it to the next level. Built on top of Qt 6, this release promises enhanced performance, features, and visual appeal. It's a turning point in the evolution of the desktop environment, and the anticipation is high. The Plasma devs are working hard to deliver the new release by the end of the year or early 2024.

As part of their commitment to the open-source community, the Plasma devs are giving you the opportunity to design the default wallpaper for Plasma 6. Your design will be seen and enjoyed by countless users worldwide.

While there are some suggested themes for the wallpaper, the Plasma devs encourage you to let your creativity run wild. They want to see your unique ideas and concepts. It's recommended to avoid using text elements, logos, and numbers and go for a more abstract look. This is a chance to create something entirely new and exciting.

To ensure a fair evaluation process, the Plasma devs have established some guidelines for participants. Your submission should include the wallpaper itself, the name of the wallpaper, a dark mode version, and a vertical version. While the latter two are not mandatory, they are recommended. If asked, you should be able to provide the source files used to create the wallpaper in a non-proprietary format.

The judging committee will consist of members from the KDE Visual Design Group and some specially invited community members. Six finalists will be chosen for a second round of evaluation, and each artist in the final six will receive a KDE t-shirt as a gift. The winner will be announced after one to three weeks of evaluation.

And now, for the exciting part! The winner of the competition will receive a Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition as their well-deserved reward. This laptop features a 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1340P CPU and allows for easy customization and upgrades. It's designed with sleekness, high-resolution display, and exceptional performance in mind. The hardware and software compatibility are tailored to accommodate various Linux distributions, so you can choose your preferred flavor without worrying about compatibility issues.

So don't miss out on this golden opportunity to showcase your artistic talents and win the groundbreaking Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition. Unleash your imagination, visit for detailed information about the competition, and we wish you the best of luck!

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