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Michael Cera's Post-Filming Experience: "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" Left Him Feeling "Little Depressed"

The upcoming Netflix anime, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, will feature the entire cast of the 2010 film Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Scott Pilgrim has become a beloved tribute to pop culture since its debut in 2004. It is a unique phenomenon, as it serves as a love letter to itself in its own quirky way. The upcoming Netflix anime, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, further solidifies this sentiment by enlisting the entire cast from Edgar Wright's 2010 film, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, for its voice cast.

Despite its initial lackluster box office performance, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World has managed to capture the hearts of countless fans over the past 13 years. This is largely due to its clever use of multimedia conventions, which create an enchanting and delightful liminal space.

In academic terms, the film is simply a joy to watch. Much of this can be attributed to the film's leading man, Michael Cera, who, along with his co-stars, clearly had a blast filming Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Cera recently spoke about the deep connection he formed with his castmates during the tight-knit, nine-month-long shoot. The camaraderie and positive energy on set, fostered by director Edgar Wright, made filming an incredibly enjoyable experience for the entire cast.

By the time filming wrapped, Cera found himself feeling despondent. He had grown so close to his castmates that leaving the Scott Pilgrim set was a difficult transition. In an interview with GQ, Cera expressed his sadness at losing the world and friendships he had formed during the production. He was genuinely depressed and could have continued making the film indefinitely.

While the cast is reuniting for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, it is clear that the experience will be different. Collaborating in sound booths cannot perfectly replicate the face-to-face interactions they had during the making of the original film. However, Cera is undoubtedly thrilled to bring the beloved slacker character back to life on Netflix, and fans are equally excited to see this world expand once again.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off will be available on Netflix on November 17th and will consist of eight episodes.

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