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Larsa Pippen confirms plans to marry Michael Jordan's son

Larsa Pippen, star of REAL Housewives, hints at marriage plans with Marcus Jordan, son of Michael Jordan's former teammate.

Real Housewives star Larsa Pippen has strongly hinted at her plans to marry Marcus Jordan, the son of her ex-husband Scottie Pippen's former teammate, Michael Jordan. The couple has been in a relationship since September and has been open about it on their podcast, Separation Anxiety. Larsa recently shared a photo on Instagram with Marcus, captioning it "It's In the works," which led fans to speculate about an upcoming wedding. Many fans wondered what Larsa's last name would be after the marriage, with some suggesting she would adopt the Jordan name. While it is still unknown whether Larsa and Marcus are actually planning to wed, their relationship has been a subject of interest due to the complicated history between Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen.

Last month, Michael made headlines when he initially claimed he did not approve of Marcus and Larsa's relationship. However, in a subsequent episode of Marcus and Larsa's podcast, he clarified that his comment may have been influenced by tequila and his sense of humor. Marcus also added that talking "s**t" runs in their family. Despite these controversies, Larsa and Marcus seem to be moving forward in their relationship, and fans are eagerly awaiting any updates on their future plans.

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