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Heidi Klum: Clarifying Her Calorie Intake

Heidi Klum clarifies that she doesn't eat only 900 calories a day and urges fans not to follow unhealthy diets.

Heidi Klum, the 50-year-old supermodel, wants her fans to understand that her eating habits should not be taken too seriously. She recently addressed the misconceptions surrounding her diet, particularly the idea that she only consumes 900 calories a day. In an Instagram Story on August 22, Klum expressed her frustration at the articles that had been written about her calorie intake, stating that she has never had to count calories in her life.

The confusion about Klum's diet originated from an Instagram Q&A on August 20, where someone asked her about her weight. Klum explained that she simply stepped on a scale and shared her weight, but people took that information and made false assumptions. She emphasized that she doesn't pay attention to calorie counting and finds it sad that people might try to follow such a restrictive diet based on false information.

Klum wants to set the record straight because she believes her diet is not healthy. According to Healthline, the recommended calorie intake for women is at least 1,600 calories and 2,000 for men. Klum worries that her fans might read about her supposed 900-calorie diet and think it's a good idea to follow, which could be detrimental to their health.

Earlier in the week, Klum candidly answered questions from fans about her eating habits and weight. She revealed that she starts her day with a low-fat breakfast consisting of three poached eggs in warm chicken broth. While she didn't provide details about her other meals, reports suggest that she claimed to consume no more than 900 calories a day.

When asked about her weight, Klum posted a photo of herself standing on a scale, confirming that she weighs 138 pounds. However, she wants to emphasize that she is happy with her body and her weight. In an interview with Red magazine in March 2020, she stated that she feels content with who she is and how she looks. If she ever felt the need to change, she would do so, but for now, she is comfortable in her own skin.

Klum also mentioned that she is accustomed to her diet and finds it easy to make healthy choices. She believes that there are plenty of options available, and it's just a matter of selecting the right ones. By doing so, she avoids the struggle that many people face when trying to maintain a healthy diet.

In conclusion, Heidi Klum wants her fans to understand that her eating habits should not be taken as a strict guideline. She clarified the misconceptions surrounding her calorie intake and expressed concern that people might try to follow a restrictive diet based on false information. Klum believes in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, and she wants her fans to prioritize their well-being over any misconceptions about her own eating habits.

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