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Is Erin Carter returning for season 2? Find out whether it's renewed or canceled on Netflix.

Netflix's "Who is Erin Carter?" will not have a season 2 as it was always planned as a limited series.

Are you eagerly anticipating the possibility of a season 2 for the Netflix show "Who is Erin Carter?" Well, when it comes to any TV series, it's natural to wonder about its future. We all crave more content, don't we? However, in this case, we regret to inform you that there are no plans for a season 2. From the very beginning, this show was intended to be a limited series, with a well-defined story arc from start to finish.

But hey, things can change, right? We've seen it happen before with shows like "Big Little Lies." While we don't think a season 2 is likely for "Who is Erin Carter?", you never know what surprises the future holds.

For now, let's appreciate and savor season 1 for what it is—a unique and captivating series. The concept behind it is so distinct that it's difficult to imagine the need for much more beyond what we already have.

Of course, if any updates on the show's future emerge, we'll be here to bring them to you. If you want to increase the chances of a season 2 or any other project from this talented team, the best way is to show your support by watching the show in its entirety. Netflix pays close attention to viewership numbers to gauge demand. If people only watch halfway and then lose interest, it's uncertain whether more will be produced.

We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section! And remember to keep checking back for more updates in the future.

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