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Steve Harvey fire social media manager amid divorce rumours

Steve Harvey trends on Twitter over two incidents: firing his social media manager and false rumors of his wife cheating.

Steve Harvey, the well-known TV personality, has recently become a hot topic on social media platform X (Twitter) due to two separate incidents, one of which is true and the other is false. In the first incident, Harvey appears to have fired his social media manager for posting a negative tweet about comedians. In a video shared on Friday night, Harvey took responsibility for the tweet and expressed his confusion over why such a negative statement was made.

Harvey emphasized that his brand is all about motivation and positivity, making it illogical for him to engage in something that contradicts these values. He also highlighted the importance of considering where young comedians are in their careers and the potential impact of negative remarks on their journey. Harvey confronted the employee responsible for the tweet, who admitted to seeking more engagement but ended up becoming the subject of Harvey's joke about needing "employment."

The second incident involved false reports circulating on the internet, claiming that Harvey's wife, Marjorie Bridges, was cheating on him with their chef and bodyguard, leading to a potential divorce. However, these rumors were debunked by Ned Nwoko, a Nigerian businessman who described himself as Harvey's friend. Nwoko clarified that he had personally spoken to Harvey, who confirmed that the allegations were entirely false.

Nwoko expressed his disappointment in the prevalence of fake news and emphasized that it is a global issue. He stood by Harvey, affirming that he and his wife are happily together and urged people to disregard the baseless rumors. Despite the widespread attention these rumors have garnered, neither Steve Harvey nor Marjorie Bridges have addressed them publicly.

Steve and Marjorie have been married since 2007, and their relationship has been a subject of admiration by many. It is important to approach such allegations with caution and rely on verified information rather than succumbing to the allure of sensationalized gossip. In a world where misinformation spreads rapidly, it is crucial to prioritize accuracy and refrain from perpetuating baseless claims.

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