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Wayne Newton Extends Flamingo Residency - "I Would Have to Get a Real Job"

Wayne Newton, known as Mr. Las Vegas, has extended his "Up Close and Personal" show at the Flamingo in Las Vegas until June. The 81-year-old singer and entertainer will celebrate his 65th anniversary in Las Vegas during this time. Newton's show is described as a vintage-Vegas experience and has been attracting a younger audience.

Wayne Newton, also known as Mr. Las Vegas, is set to celebrate his 65th anniversary in the entertainment capital by continuing his "Up Close and Personal" multimedia production at the Flamingo. The extension of the show will run from January 13 to June 12, totaling 62 dates. Tickets for the show start at $82, excluding fees, and can be purchased at

This extension is particularly significant as it coincides with the anniversary of the Newton Brothers' debut performance at the Carnival Room in the Fremont Hotel on May 19, 1959. Wayne Newton, along with his brother Jerry, embarked on their journey in the entertainment industry, which has now spanned over six decades.

For Newton, Las Vegas holds a special place in his heart. He considers it his home and is committed to performing there. He acknowledges that if he ever leaves Las Vegas, it would only be to fulfill a performance commitment before returning home. His residency in the city is a testament to his love for the place and his dedication to entertaining the audience.

Retirement is not something Newton takes seriously. In fact, he jokes about it, stating that he doesn't want to quit and would rather continue doing what he loves. For him, performing is not just a job but a passion that he cannot imagine giving up. He humorously remarks that he would have to find a "real job" if he ever decides to retire.

To announce the extension of his show, Newton made an appearance on NBC's "Today" show. This demonstrates the significance of his continued presence in the Las Vegas entertainment scene and the excitement surrounding his performances.

During his shows, Newton is accompanied by a three-piece backing band, where he showcases his musical talents by playing the fiddle, guitar, and steel guitar. The 81-year-old icon treats the audience to his timeless classics such as "Danke Schoen," "Red Roses For a Blue Lady," and "Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast." He also shares captivating stories from his illustrious career spanning eight decades. The show incorporates videos featuring legendary entertainers like Jack Benny, Jackie Gleason, Elvis Presley, the Rat Pack, Ed Sullivan, and a special duet with Sammy Davis Jr.

Newton's show has become a must-see experience for those looking to immerse themselves in the authentic, vintage-Vegas entertainment. It has attracted a younger audience, particularly young men, who want to experience the magic of Las Vegas as it used to be.

Wayne Newton's dedication to his craft and his unwavering commitment to Las Vegas have solidified his status as a true showman. His extended residency at the Flamingo allows both longtime fans and newcomers to witness the talent and charm that have made him a Las Vegas icon for over six decades.

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