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All five Indiana Jones movies ranked: worst to best.

The article ranks all five Indiana Jones movies, with "Raiders of the Lost Ark" being the best and "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" as the worst.

Indiana Jones has been a franchise filled with ups and downs throughout its five films. While the first four were all directed by Steven Spielberg, the most recent installment was helmed by James Mangold. However, the constant throughout the entire franchise has been Harrison Ford, who has remained at the center-point of the series.

Now, the question arises: which film is the best? Is "The Last Crusade" better than "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? Is "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" truly the worst in the franchise? And where does "The Dial of Destiny" fit into all of this?

Let's dive into a comprehensive ranking of all five Indiana Jones movies.

1. "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981)
Starring: Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies, and Denholm Elliott

The original and still the best, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" revolutionized the action-adventure genre upon its release. Harrison Ford shines as the roguish and lovable Indiana Jones, guiding us through a world of villains, myths, and adventure. The film strikes the perfect balance between taking itself seriously and having fun, with a winning sense of humor. It's a narratively satisfying journey that remains a cinematic masterpiece.

2. "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" (1989)
Starring: Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, Denholm Elliott, Alison Doody, John Rhys-Davies, and Julian Glover

"The Last Crusade" owes its success to many factors, but none more crucial than the dynamic between Harrison Ford's Indy and Sean Connery's Henry. Their father-son team-up delivers some of the franchise's funniest and most heartfelt moments, providing a different side of Indy. The film captures the magic of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" by returning to basics, with a search for a mysterious artifact, the return of the Nazis as villains, and a sense of continuity with returning characters. It's a well-paced adventure film packed with classic moments.

3. "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984)
Starring: Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, Ke Huy Quan, Amrish Puri, and Roshan Seth

Considered the troubled middle child of the original trilogy, "Temple of Doom" has its flaws but also plenty to appreciate. Harrison Ford fully commits to the role, showcasing a more assured performance than in "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." The addition of Ke Huy Quan's Short Round is a welcome one, and the film's dark comedy and thrilling action sequences make it a standout in the franchise.

4. "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (2008)
Starring: Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Karen Allen, Shia LaBeouf, and Ray Winstone

While not as bad as some detractors claim, "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is undeniably the weakest entry in the franchise. The film suffers from an overreliance on CGI and a departure from the gritty, tactile feeling that made Indy special. Shia LaBeouf's Mutt Williams and Ray Winstone's Mac are frustrating additions to the cast, and the ending reveal leaves much to be desired. Despite these flaws, it still offers a fun adventure with standout performances from Cate Blanchett and Harrison Ford.

5. "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" (2022)
Starring: Harrison Ford, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Toby Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, and Antonio Banderas

The fifth and final entry in the saga, "The Dial of Destiny," may not live up to the brilliance of the original trilogy, but it serves as a fitting and enjoyable conclusion. James Mangold's direction falls slightly short of Spielberg's electric momentum, and the film feels a bit overlong in the middle sections. However, it still delivers wonderful set-pieces and explores themes of aging. With returning favorites and great new characters, including Mads Mikkelsen as a Nazi villain, it provides a satisfying end to the series.

In conclusion, the Indiana Jones franchise has had its highs and lows, but it remains a beloved series with iconic moments and memorable characters. Whether you prefer the classic adventure of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" or the father-son dynamic of "The Last Crusade," there's something for everyone in this action-packed franchise.

You can watch "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" on demand, while the previous four films are available on Disney Plus. So grab your fedora and whip, and embark on an adventure with Indiana Jones!

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