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'Logic Astonishes Fans with Remarkable Physical Transformation in Latest Selfie'

Logic's recent selfie on Instagram, showing him looking overweight, has caused fans to make ruthless jokes in the comments section.

Logic, the Maryland rapper, has once again caused a stir on social media with his recent selfie on Instagram. In the photo, Logic appears to have gained some weight, leading fans to speculate if he used an aging or weight gain filter. The picture sparked a flood of ruthless jokes in the comments section, with one commenter comparing Logic to Bobby from the '90s cartoon sitcom King of the Hill. Another commenter cleverly stated, "Went from logic to lethargic." A third person even went as far as to say Logic looks like Brendan Fraser, followed by a witty yet brutal joke about his transition from "No Pressure" to "High Blood Pressure."

This isn't the first time Logic's goofy nature has made headlines. During his College Park Tour with Juicy J, he surprised fans by taking off his shirt and doing his best Ice Spice impression. A viral video captured Logic sassily walking to the front of the stage, hitting some hip-thrusting dance moves, and even imitating Ice Spice's signature move by placing his hand on his private parts. He also added his own twist by putting his finger in his belly button and wiggling it around before sniffing it. The audience seemed to enjoy his antics, with cheers heard in the background and one of his band members grinning in amusement onstage.

Logic's friends have also poked fun at him in the past. In May, he shared a video on Instagram of him standing half-naked next to an open freezer as a post-show cooling-down method. His crew members could be heard making fun of him in the background, and Logic captioned the video, "Homies won't let me live after a hot ass show."

Despite his playful behavior, Logic remains focused on his music career. He is currently working on a new mixtape called "Inglorious Basterd." While a release date has not been announced, he recently gave fans a taste of the project with an early track called "Still Pushin," a flip of Lupe Fiasco's 2006 hit "Kick, Push." Fans can expect more from Logic as he continues to make waves in the music industry.

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