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Super Mario Bros: Wonder Nintendo Direct Start Time and What to Expect

Nintendo announces a Super Mario Bros. Wonder Nintendo Direct presentation to provide more details about the game's release.

Nintendo has recently announced a highly anticipated Nintendo Direct presentation solely dedicated to their biggest release of 2023 - Super Mario Bros. Wonder. This announcement comes after a period of relative silence regarding the game, with the exception of the news that Charles Martinet, the iconic voice of Mario, will no longer be voicing the beloved plumber. With the game's release date just under two months away on October 20, 2023, fans are eagerly awaiting more information about Mario's next adventure.

Fortunately, Nintendo took to Twitter earlier this week to reveal the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Wonder Nintendo Direct presentation. This dedicated event aims to provide fans with an in-depth look at the highly anticipated platforming adventure. Fans are particularly curious about the mysterious talking flower and the peculiar elephant Mario power-up, and hopefully, this presentation will shed some light on these intriguing elements.

The Super Mario Bros. Wonder Nintendo Direct is scheduled to start at 3pm BST / 10am EDT / 7am PDT on Thursday, August 31. The presentation is expected to run for approximately 15 minutes, offering a concise yet informative update for fans. Nintendo's official YouTube channel will be hosting the Super Mario Bros. Wonder Nintendo Direct, and it is likely that the event will also be streamed on their Twitch channel, although it has not been explicitly mentioned in the announcement.

For the convenience of fans, we have embedded the YouTube stream above, allowing you to watch the presentation right here when it goes live.

During the Super Mario Bros. Wonder Nintendo Direct, fans can anticipate an in-depth exploration of the game's mechanics, as showcased in the original trailer. Notably, the Wonder Flowers and Wonder Seeds appear to transform Mario's world into a visually stunning and surreal landscape, where even the pipes come alive and Goombas exhibit unexpected abilities. Additionally, fans are eager to learn more about the main power-up featured in Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Elephant Mario - and discover the purpose of the enigmatic purple coins.

While some may be hoping for an announcement regarding the new voice actor taking on the role of Mario in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, Nintendo's statement to IGN suggests that this information will only be revealed in the game credits upon release. Fans will have to wait until October to discover the identity of the new Mario.

In conclusion, the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Wonder Nintendo Direct promises to be an exciting and informative event for fans eagerly awaiting the release of this highly anticipated game. With its focus on providing an in-depth look at the mechanics and features, this presentation is sure to generate even more excitement and anticipation for Super Mario Bros. Wonder's upcoming launch.

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