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Starfield Preorder and Premium Edition Bonuses: A Guide on How to Find Them

Find out where to claim your bonus items for the highly anticipated game Starfield, including exclusive skins and early access.

Looking to enhance your Starfield gaming experience? Look no further! We've got all the information you need to claim your bonus items from the game's preorder and Premium Edition bundles. These bonuses include exclusive skins such as Old Mars, Deep Mining, and Constellation packs. Let's dive in and find out where to locate these awesome additions.

While Starfield offers a plethora of exciting features, it's the preorder and Premium Edition bonuses that truly make the game shine. However, it's not always easy to figure out where to find these bonus items. That's where we come in. We'll guide you through the process of claiming your bonus skins step by step.

First, let's talk about the more easily understandable bonuses, like future DLC and a digital soundtrack. These are straightforward and won't cause any confusion. The real challenge lies in locating the in-game skins you've been granted. But worry not, we've got you covered.

To begin, head over to the weapon workbench. Here, you'll discover the Old Mars skin for your laser cutter mining tool. This skin adds a touch of nostalgia to your gameplay, giving your tool a retro-futuristic look. But that's not all. The Deep Mining skin set awaits you in the starter boost pack and helmet. Equip these skins to truly immerse yourself in the mining experience. Remember, there are plenty of spacesuits in the game, each with its own unique features. However, if you're attached to the Deep Mining cosmetic skin, you can always find better versions of the mining spacesuit as you progress through the game.

Now, let's talk about the Premium Edition bonuses. If you've opted for the Premium Edition, you're in for a treat. Not only will you enjoy five days of early access, but you've also preordered the first expansion. Additionally, you'll have access to an exclusive in-game cosmetic set. This set, known as the Constellation set, can be applied to certain spacesuits, boost packs, and helmets. Keep an eye out for Sarah and the Constellation gang, as they will provide you with the necessary gear shortly after your arrival at The Lodge. The Constellation set also applies to the Equinox, a powerful laser rifle found abundantly throughout the game. To apply the Constellation skin, simply head to the corresponding workbench and navigate to the "skin" section in the item's upgrade menu. It's that easy!

One of the best things about these bonus skins is that they require no crafting materials. That's right, you can apply these alternate styles even if your pockets are empty. So, go ahead and customize your gear to your heart's content.

In conclusion, Starfield's preorder and Premium Edition bonuses offer a fantastic way to enhance your gaming experience. From the Old Mars and Deep Mining skins to the coveted Constellation set, these bonuses add an extra layer of excitement to the game. So, don't miss out on claiming your bonus items. Head to the designated workbenches, apply the skins, and embark on your interstellar adventure in style. Happy gaming!

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