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Texas Tech football: 5 key takeaways from Red Raiders' season opener against Wyoming

Texas Tech football team loses to Wyoming in double overtime in delayed season opener due to weather.

The highly anticipated 2023 season for the Texas Tech football team got off to a rocky start with a 35-33 loss to Wyoming in double overtime. Despite the disappointing outcome, there were several key takeaways from the game.

The game was delayed due to inclement weather, with lightning in the area causing a late start. After a delay of about 80 minutes, the teams finally took the field and the game began.

Despite the delay, the Red Raiders came out strong. In the early possessions, Wyoming struggled with penalties and turnovers, while Texas Tech's offense operated with precision. Quarterback Tyler Shough connected with receiver Myles Price for a 33-yard touchdown, and later found Jaden York for a 19-yard score.

However, the Red Raiders faced some setbacks on the defensive side. Defensive end Isaac Smith was unable to play due to a knee injury that will sideline him for the rest of the season. Linebacker Jacob Rodriguez also suffered an injury during the game and did not return.

Wyoming's run-heavy offense may not have gained a significant amount of yardage, but it kept the Cowboys on the field for a significant portion of the game. This, coupled with untimely penalties by Texas Tech, allowed Wyoming to control the time of possession and ultimately secure the victory.

The loss to Wyoming highlights a larger issue for Texas Tech, as they have struggled in road games in recent years. With a record of 6-18 in road games over the last five years, including a 1-4 mark in 2022, winning away from home has been a challenge for the Red Raiders.

In conclusion, the Texas Tech football team's season opener against Wyoming did not go as planned, with a double overtime loss. Despite the setback, there were valuable lessons to be learned from the game. The team faced delays due to weather, had some defensive injuries, and struggled with penalties. Moving forward, the Red Raiders will need to address these issues and find ways to win on the road in order to have a successful season.

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