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Ten Hag reaction Sancho comments Man United Martinez boost

Jadon Sancho disputes Erik ten Hag's claim that he was excluded from the Manchester United squad based on training performance.

Here are the latest headlines from Manchester United on Monday evening.

Jadon Sancho's Exclusion Explained by Erik ten Hag

Erik ten Hag, the manager of Manchester United, has defended his decision to leave Jadon Sancho out of the squad for the match against Arsenal. Despite Sancho disputing the reason on social media, ten Hag insists that it was based on the winger's performance in training. However, Sancho quickly responded with a statement claiming that he was being made a scapegoat and that his manager's comments were completely false.

Sancho's statement read, "Please don't believe everything you read! I have performed well in training this week."

For the full story, click here.

Lisandro Martinez's Fitness Update

Lisandro Martinez, the centre-back for Manchester United, has traveled to Argentina for their upcoming World Cup qualifiers. His fitness will be assessed by the national team's medical staff during the international break. Martinez suffered an injury during the 3-1 loss to Arsenal, with reports suggesting discomfort in his foot. He had previously missed the end of last season due to a metatarsal injury in the same foot. However, Martinez has been deemed fit enough to join his international teammates and arrived in Buenos Aires on Monday afternoon along with other Premier League players from Argentina.

For the full story, click here.

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