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'Jimmy Fallon: Nightmare Environment Accusations on Tonight Show'

Former employees of "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" claim that the host created a toxic workplace environment with outbursts and inconsistent behavior. They also alleged that Fallon's mood could make or break the workplace environment. Despite the allegations, a former staffer expressed hope for meaningful changes to be made.

In a recent report published by Rolling Stone on September 7th, insiders revealed that Jimmy Fallon, the 48-year-old host of The Tonight Show, has been accused of displaying inconsistent behavior and having frequent "outbursts" behind the scenes. Former employees described the workplace environment as toxic, with some even joking about "wanting to kill themselves." The guests' dressing rooms were referred to as "crying rooms" due to the emotional toll the job took on staffers.

One former employee expressed disappointment, stating that working for late-night television had been their dream job, but it quickly turned into a nightmare. They lamented the fact that it didn't have to be that way. Another former staffer claimed that everyone walked on eggshells around Fallon, including senior leadership, as nobody dared to tell him "no." They also mentioned the high turnover rate of showrunners, implying that they couldn't withstand Fallon's unpredictable behavior for long.

According to multiple sources, Fallon's daily mood had a significant impact on the workplace environment. If he was in a bad mood, it affected everyone's day. One former employee described the rare occurrence of encountering a pleasant version of Fallon, expressing sadness over the fact that such a talented man had created such a horrible environment for those working with him.

Two former employees even witnessed Fallon scolding a crew member during a taping with Jerry Seinfeld. Seinfeld, however, recalled the incident differently, stating that it was not uncomfortable at all and that he and Fallon still occasionally joke about it. The conflicting accounts highlight the complexity of the situation.

Rolling Stone reached out to NBC for comment, and while a spokesperson acknowledged the report's allegations, they did not directly address Fallon. The spokesperson emphasized that providing a respectful working environment was a top priority and that any raised issues were investigated and addressed accordingly.

This isn't the first time Fallon has faced controversy. In May 2020, a resurfaced Saturday Night Live clip showed him in blackface, which sparked backlash. Fallon publicly apologized for the offensive decision and acknowledged the need for accountability. However, one former employee criticized the initial response from senior leadership, claiming they wanted to "sweep it under the rug."

Despite the allegations of a toxic workplace, one former staffer expressed hope that the show's team would take responsibility and implement meaningful changes. They emphasized their love for The Tonight Show and comedy, stating that major changes, starting with Fallon, were necessary to address the evident problems.

In conclusion, the Rolling Stone report sheds light on the alleged inconsistent behavior and toxic workplace environment behind the scenes of The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The accounts from former employees highlight the impact of Fallon's mood on the workplace and the need for change within the show's team. The report also mentions Fallon's past controversy involving blackface and the criticism surrounding the initial response. Ultimately, it remains to be seen how these revelations will affect the future of the show and whether meaningful changes will be made.

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