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Kristi Noem Back in VP Mix: How She Went From 'Flaming Out' to Reemerging

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is expected to endorse former President Trump for his reelection bid during a GOP fundraiser. Noem's supporters believe this move could position her as a potential vice presidential candidate.

Former President Trump is scheduled to attend a GOP fundraiser in South Dakota, where Governor Kristi Noem is expected to endorse his reelection campaign. This endorsement is significant because many other Republican governors have been hesitant to publicly support Trump. It is speculated that Noem's endorsement could be seen as a "vice presidential tryout," as her allies hope to create an image of a potential presidential ticket by standing alongside Trump at the "Monumental Leaders Rally" in Rapid City.

This move represents a shift for Noem, who was once considered a possible presidential contender herself. After the midterms, she expressed doubts about Trump's chances for 2024. However, Politico suggests that her political fortunes have recently improved. GOP strategist Dave Carney praises Noem for her articulate nature, energy, and potential appeal as a running mate for the former president. Another political observer points out that with Trump's 50-50 shot at getting elected, it makes sense for Noem to align herself with him.

Noem has expressed interest in the vice presidential role, stating that she would consider it if offered. She emphasized the need for a strong partner for Trump and highlighted her experience running a business, being an employee, and balancing family responsibilities. Her willingness to support Trump's campaign aligns with her previous gesture of offering him a replica of Mount Rushmore with his face included.

While Noem is a potential candidate for the vice presidential position, other names have also been mentioned. This includes Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, and former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake.

In conclusion, Governor Kristi Noem's endorsement of former President Trump's reelection campaign at the GOP fundraiser in South Dakota could be seen as a vice presidential tryout. Noem's interest in the role, along with her previous doubts about Trump's chances, adds intrigue to her endorsement. This move could potentially rekindle her political prospects and solidify her position as a strong partner for Trump in his quest to regain the White House.

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