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Colts Running Back Jonathan Taylor Healthy, Targeting Week 5 Return

Jonathan Taylor plans to return to the lineup in Week 5 after being on the reserve/physically unable to perform list.

Indianapolis Colts running back Jonathan Taylor is currently on the reserve/physically unable to perform list due to an ankle injury he sustained last season and subsequent surgery. Reports from ESPN and the NFL Network suggest that Taylor is aiming for a minimum stay on the list and plans to return to the lineup in Week 5.

According to NFL rules, Taylor must miss at least the first four weeks of the season. However, it appears that he is now healthy and ready to make his comeback. Taylor has been present at the Colts' facility during their preparations for the season opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Head coach Shane Steichen confirmed that Taylor has been rehabbing at the team facility. The Colts' approach to resolving the contract dispute with Taylor remains uncertain. The team has no plans to offer him an extension until after the season, as stated by general manager Chris Ballard. Ballard emphasized the need to assess how players fit into the team's offense and the team's lack of success in the previous season.

Taylor, on the other hand, is seeking an extension before the final year of his rookie contract begins. He has observed that other drafted Colts players have received extensions before reaching this point. During training camp, Taylor requested a trade and was given permission to explore trade options. The Miami Dolphins and Green Bay Packers reportedly expressed interest, but neither team met the Colts' asking price.

Ballard has set a high price for Taylor's services, emphasizing his value to the team. He has made it clear that he is not willing to let Taylor leave without a fight. Ballard also believes that the relationship between the team and Taylor can be repaired, although the specifics of how that will happen are unclear.

If the Colts do not meet Taylor's trade demands, he will have to play the season with Indianapolis and then enter free agency to find a new team next year. However, the Colts have the option to use the franchise tag to keep Taylor for up to two seasons. The resolution of this contract dispute will ultimately determine Taylor's future with the Colts.

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